All In One Shipping Demo
This file can be burned to your MagTag using the ROM bootloader (address 0x0) to install the TinyUF2 bootloader plus shipping demo
Download the file to your computer, enter ROM bootloader mode, then run after changing the COM/Serial port: -p COM88 write_flash 0x0 magtag_demoboot.bin
note that esptool will seem to 'hang' for a bit...that's normal, a lot of the file is empty and it doesn't tell you its skipping ahead.
Acrylic Front and Back Plates
Suitable for laser cutting. There are two front designs (cloud and arrow) and a back piece (for using MagTag as a wearable badge rather than the magnetic feet). These can be secured with 8mm M3 screws.
Adobe Illustrator or SVG file formats:
Text editor powered by tinymce.