Power Pins
- VIN - this is the power pin. To power the board, give it the same power as the logic level of your microcontroller - e.g. for a 5V microcontroller like Arduino, use 5V.
- GND - common ground for power and logic.
I2C Logic Pins
- SCI - I2C clock pin for the input side, connect to your I2C controller I2C clock line. There is a 10K pullup on this pin.
- SDI - I2C data pin for the input side, connect to your I2C controller I2C data line. There is a 10K pullup on this pin.
- SCO - I2C clock pin for the output side, connect to the clock line on the sensor whose I2C address you want to change. There is a 10K pullup on this pin.
- SDO - I2C data pin for the output side, connect to the data line on the sensor whose I2C address you want to change. There is a 10K pullup on this pin.
STEMMA QT - These connectors allow you to connectors to dev boards with STEMMA QT connectors or to other things with various associated accessories.
- The connector on the left of the board, above VIN, is for the input side.
- The connector on the right of the board, above ENA, is for the output side.
DIP Switches
The two DIP switches are located at the top center of the board. The top switch (1) controls bit A5 and the bottom switch (2) controls bit A4 for the I2C address connected to the output side. This allows for four address translation options:
- If both switches are on, then only A6 will be flipped.
- If the A5 switch is off, bits A5 and A6 will be flipped.
- If the A4 switch is off, bits A4 and A6 will be flipped.
- If both switches are off, bits A4, A5 and A6 will be flipped.
XOR bitwise math is used to calculate the translated I2C address. This can get very complicated very quickly, so it's recommended to use an I2C scanner program to debug. Note also that you have to reset the LTC4316 if you change the translation address.
You need to reset the LTC4316 if you change the translation address.
XORL Resistor Spot
Directly below the DIP switch is a spot to solder a XOR_LOW resistor for setting the 'bottom' 3 bits by soldering in a resistor value according to the datasheet (Table 2. Setting the Resistive Divider at XORL).
Just like with the DIP switches, this can get very complicated very quickly, so it's recommended to use an I2C scanner program to debug.
Additional Pins
- RDY - This is the Ready pin. It is an output that indicates if the I2C device on the output side is ready for address translation. The pin releases high when the LTC4316 has completed configuration of the address translation byte.
- ENA - This is the Enable pin. It is an input to the LTC4316. You can toggle the pin low to restart the LTC4316. This restarts the configuration of the address translation byte.
Power LED and LED Jumper
- Power LED - In the upper left corner, above the STEMMA connector, on the front of the board, is the power LED, labeled on. It is a green LED.
- LED jumper - This jumper is located on the back of the board, to the right of the board label on the silk. Cut the trace on this jumper to cut power to the "on" LED.
Page last edited April 10, 2024
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