Using the LSM6DS3TR-C with Arduino involves wiring up the sensor to your Arduino-compatible microcontroller, installing the Adafruit_LSM6DS library and running the provided example code.
Wire as shown for a 5V board like an Uno. If you are using a 3V board, like an Adafruit Feather, wire the board's 3V pin to the LSM6DS3TR-C VIN.
Here is an Adafruit Metro wired up to the LSM6DS3TR-C using the STEMMA QT connector:
Board 5V to sensor VIN (red wire)
Board GND to sensor GND (black wire)
Board SCL to sensor SCL (yellow wire)
- Board SDA to sensor SDA (blue wire)
Here is an Adafruit Metro wired up using a solderless breadboard:
Board 5V to sensor VIN (red wire)
Board GND to sensor GND (black wire)
Board SCL to sensor SCL (yellow wire)
- Board SDA to sensor SDA (blue wire)
Library Installation
You can install the LSM6DS library for Arduino using the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE.
Click the Manage Libraries ... menu item, search for LSM6DS, and select the Adafruit LSM6DS library:
If asked about dependencies, click "Install all".
If the "Dependencies" window does not come up, then you already have the dependencies installed.
Load Example
Open up File -> Examples -> Adafruit LSM6DS -> adafruit_lsm6ds3trc_test and upload to your Arduino wired to the sensor.
// Basic demo for accelerometer/gyro readings from Adafruit LSM6DS3TR-C #include <Adafruit_LSM6DS3TRC.h> // For SPI mode, we need a CS pin #define LSM_CS 10 // For software-SPI mode we need SCK/MOSI/MISO pins #define LSM_SCK 13 #define LSM_MISO 12 #define LSM_MOSI 11 Adafruit_LSM6DS3TRC lsm6ds3trc; void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial) delay(10); // will pause Zero, Leonardo, etc until serial console opens Serial.println("Adafruit LSM6DS3TR-C test!"); if (!lsm6ds3trc.begin_I2C()) { // if (!lsm6ds3trc.begin_SPI(LSM_CS)) { // if (!lsm6ds3trc.begin_SPI(LSM_CS, LSM_SCK, LSM_MISO, LSM_MOSI)) { Serial.println("Failed to find LSM6DS3TR-C chip"); while (1) { delay(10); } } Serial.println("LSM6DS3TR-C Found!"); // lsm6ds3trc.setAccelRange(LSM6DS_ACCEL_RANGE_2_G); Serial.print("Accelerometer range set to: "); switch (lsm6ds3trc.getAccelRange()) { case LSM6DS_ACCEL_RANGE_2_G: Serial.println("+-2G"); break; case LSM6DS_ACCEL_RANGE_4_G: Serial.println("+-4G"); break; case LSM6DS_ACCEL_RANGE_8_G: Serial.println("+-8G"); break; case LSM6DS_ACCEL_RANGE_16_G: Serial.println("+-16G"); break; } // lsm6ds3trc.setGyroRange(LSM6DS_GYRO_RANGE_250_DPS); Serial.print("Gyro range set to: "); switch (lsm6ds3trc.getGyroRange()) { case LSM6DS_GYRO_RANGE_125_DPS: Serial.println("125 degrees/s"); break; case LSM6DS_GYRO_RANGE_250_DPS: Serial.println("250 degrees/s"); break; case LSM6DS_GYRO_RANGE_500_DPS: Serial.println("500 degrees/s"); break; case LSM6DS_GYRO_RANGE_1000_DPS: Serial.println("1000 degrees/s"); break; case LSM6DS_GYRO_RANGE_2000_DPS: Serial.println("2000 degrees/s"); break; case ISM330DHCX_GYRO_RANGE_4000_DPS: break; // unsupported range for the DS33 } // lsm6ds3trc.setAccelDataRate(LSM6DS_RATE_12_5_HZ); Serial.print("Accelerometer data rate set to: "); switch (lsm6ds3trc.getAccelDataRate()) { case LSM6DS_RATE_SHUTDOWN: Serial.println("0 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_12_5_HZ: Serial.println("12.5 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_26_HZ: Serial.println("26 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_52_HZ: Serial.println("52 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_104_HZ: Serial.println("104 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_208_HZ: Serial.println("208 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_416_HZ: Serial.println("416 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_833_HZ: Serial.println("833 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_1_66K_HZ: Serial.println("1.66 KHz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_3_33K_HZ: Serial.println("3.33 KHz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_6_66K_HZ: Serial.println("6.66 KHz"); break; } // lsm6ds3trc.setGyroDataRate(LSM6DS_RATE_12_5_HZ); Serial.print("Gyro data rate set to: "); switch (lsm6ds3trc.getGyroDataRate()) { case LSM6DS_RATE_SHUTDOWN: Serial.println("0 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_12_5_HZ: Serial.println("12.5 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_26_HZ: Serial.println("26 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_52_HZ: Serial.println("52 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_104_HZ: Serial.println("104 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_208_HZ: Serial.println("208 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_416_HZ: Serial.println("416 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_833_HZ: Serial.println("833 Hz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_1_66K_HZ: Serial.println("1.66 KHz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_3_33K_HZ: Serial.println("3.33 KHz"); break; case LSM6DS_RATE_6_66K_HZ: Serial.println("6.66 KHz"); break; } lsm6ds3trc.configInt1(false, false, true); // accelerometer DRDY on INT1 lsm6ds3trc.configInt2(false, true, false); // gyro DRDY on INT2 } void loop() { // Get a new normalized sensor event sensors_event_t accel; sensors_event_t gyro; sensors_event_t temp; lsm6ds3trc.getEvent(&accel, &gyro, &temp); Serial.print("\t\tTemperature "); Serial.print(temp.temperature); Serial.println(" deg C"); /* Display the results (acceleration is measured in m/s^2) */ Serial.print("\t\tAccel X: "); Serial.print(accel.acceleration.x); Serial.print(" \tY: "); Serial.print(accel.acceleration.y); Serial.print(" \tZ: "); Serial.print(accel.acceleration.z); Serial.println(" m/s^2 "); /* Display the results (rotation is measured in rad/s) */ Serial.print("\t\tGyro X: "); Serial.print(gyro.gyro.x); Serial.print(" \tY: "); Serial.print(gyro.gyro.y); Serial.print(" \tZ: "); Serial.print(gyro.gyro.z); Serial.println(" radians/s "); Serial.println(); delay(100); // // serial plotter friendly format // Serial.print(temp.temperature); // Serial.print(","); // Serial.print(accel.acceleration.x); // Serial.print(","); Serial.print(accel.acceleration.y); // Serial.print(","); Serial.print(accel.acceleration.z); // Serial.print(","); // Serial.print(gyro.gyro.x); // Serial.print(","); Serial.print(gyro.gyro.y); // Serial.print(","); Serial.print(gyro.gyro.z); // Serial.println(); // delayMicroseconds(10000); }
Upload the sketch to your board and open up the Serial Monitor (Tools -> Serial Monitor) at 115200 baud. You should see the values from the embedded temperature sensor, accelerometer and gyroscope being printed out. You'll see the values change depending on the movement of the sensor.
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