Your microcontroller board has capacitive touch capabilities on multiple pins. The CircuitPython touchio
module makes it simple to detect when you touch a pin, enabling you to use it as an input.
This section first covers using the touchio
module to read touches on one pin. You'll learn how to setup the pin in your program, and read the touch status. Then, you'll learn how to read touches on multiple pins in a single example. Time to get started!
One Capacitive Touch Pin
The first example covered here will show you how to read touches on one pin.
Pin Wiring
Capacitive touch always benefits from the use of a 1MΩ pulldown resistor. Some microcontrollers have pulldown resistors built in, but using the built-in ones can yield unexpected results. Other microcontrollers to not have built-in pulldowns, and require an external pulldown resistor. Therefore, the best option is to include one regardless.
In the example below, click the Download Project Bundle button below to download the necessary libraries and the file in a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, open the directory Adafruit_KB2040/Capacitive_Touch_One_Pin/ and then click on the directory that matches the version of CircuitPython you're using and copy the contents of that directory to your CIRCUITPY drive.
Your CIRCUITPY drive should now look similar to the following image:

Then, .
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Kattni Rembor for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense """ CircuitPython Capacitive Touch Pin Example - Print to the serial console when one pin is touched. """ import time import board import touchio touch = touchio.TouchIn(board.D9) while True: if touch.value: print("Pin touched!") time.sleep(0.1)
Now touch the pin indicated in the diagram above. You'll see Pin touched!
printed to the serial console!
First you import
three modules: time
, board
and touchio
. This makes these modules available for use in your code. All three are built-in to CircuitPython, so you don't find any library files in the Project Bundle.
Next, you create the touchio.TouchIn()
object, and provide it the pin name using the board
module. You save that to the touch
Inside the loop, you check to see if the pin is touched. If so, you print to the serial console. Finally, you include a time.sleep()
to slow it down a bit so the output is readable.
That's all there is to reading touch on a single pin using touchio
in CircuitPython!
Multiple Capacitive Touch Pins
The next example shows you how to read touches on multiple pins in a single program.
In the example below, click the Download Project Bundle button below to download the necessary libraries and the file in a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, open the directory Adafruit_KB2040/Capacitive_Touch_Two_pins/ and then click on the directory that matches the version of CircuitPython you're using and copy the contents of that directory to your CIRCUITPY drive.
Your CIRCUITPY drive should now look similar to the following image:

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Kattni Rembor for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense """ CircuitPython Capacitive Two Touch Pin Example - Print to the serial console when a pin is touched. """ import time import board import touchio touch_one = touchio.TouchIn(board.D9) touch_two = touchio.TouchIn(board.D10) while True: if touch_one.value: print("Pin one touched!") if touch_two.value: print("Pin two touched!") time.sleep(0.1)
Touch the pins to see the messages printed to the serial console!
This example builds on the first. The imports remain the same.
The touchio.TouchIn()
object is created, but is instead saved to touch_one
. A second touchio.TouchIn()
object is also created, the second pin is provided to it using the board
module, and is saved to touch_two
Inside the loop, we check to see if pin one and pin two are touched, and if so, print to the serial console Pin one touched!
and Pin two touched!
, respectively. The same time.sleep()
is included.
If more touch-capable pins are available on your board, you can easily add them by expanding on this example!
Where are my Touch-Capable pins?
There are specific pins on a microcontroller that support capacitive touch. How do you know which pins will work? Easy! Run the script below to get a list of all the pins that are available.
Save the following to your CIRCUITPY drive as
Click the Download Project Bundle button below to download the necessary libraries and the file in a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, find your CircuitPython version, and copy the matching file to your CIRCUITPY drive.

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Kattni Rembor for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ CircuitPython Touch-Compatible Pin Identification Script Depending on the order of the pins in the CircuitPython pin definition, some inaccessible pins may be returned in the script results. Consult the board schematic and use your best judgement. In some cases, such as LED, the associated pin, such as D13, may be accessible. The LED pin name is first in the list in the pin definition, and is therefore printed in the results. The pin name "LED" will work in code, but "D13" may be more obvious. Use the schematic to verify. """ import board import touchio from microcontroller import Pin def get_pin_names(): """ Gets all unique pin names available in the board module, excluding a defined list. This list is not exhaustive, and depending on the order of the pins in the CircuitPython pin definition, some of the pins in the list may still show up in the script results. """ exclude = [ "NEOPIXEL", "APA102_MOSI", "APA102_SCK", "LED", "NEOPIXEL_POWER", "BUTTON", "BUTTON_UP", "BUTTON_DOWN", "BUTTON_SELECT", "DOTSTAR_CLOCK", "DOTSTAR_DATA", "IR_PROXIMITY", "SPEAKER_ENABLE", "BUTTON_A", "BUTTON_B", "POWER_SWITCH", "SLIDE_SWITCH", "TEMPERATURE", "ACCELEROMETER_INTERRUPT", "ACCELEROMETER_SDA", "ACCELEROMETER_SCL", "MICROPHONE_CLOCK", "MICROPHONE_DATA", "RFM_RST", "RFM_CS", "RFM_IO0", "RFM_IO1", "RFM_IO2", "RFM_IO3", "RFM_IO4", "RFM_IO5", ] pins = [ pin for pin in [getattr(board, p) for p in dir(board) if p not in exclude] if isinstance(pin, Pin) ] pin_names = [] for pin_object in pins: if pin_object not in pin_names: pin_names.append(pin_object) return pin_names for possible_touch_pin in get_pin_names(): # Get the pin name. try: touch_pin_object = touchio.TouchIn( possible_touch_pin ) # Attempt to create the touch object on each pin. # Print the touch-capable pins that do not need, or already have, an external pulldown. print("Touch on:", str(possible_touch_pin).replace("board.", "")) except ValueError as error: # A ValueError is raised when a pin is invalid or needs a pulldown. # Obtain the message associated with the ValueError. error_message = getattr(error, "message", str(error)) if ( "pulldown" in error_message # If the ValueError is regarding needing a pulldown... ): print( "Touch on:", str(possible_touch_pin).replace("board.", "") ) else: print("No touch on:", str(possible_touch_pin).replace("board.", "")) except TypeError: # Error returned when checking a non-pin object in dir(board). pass # Passes over non-pin objects in dir(board).
Now, connect to the serial console and check out the output! The results print out a nice handy list of pins that support capacitive touch.
A0 - CircuitPython
. Arduino26
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A1 - CircuitPython
. Arduino27
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A2 - CircuitPython
. Arduino28
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A3 - CircuitPython
. Arduino29
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TX - CircuitPython
. Arduino0
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RX - CircuitPython
. Arduino1
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D10 - CircuitPython
. Arduino10
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D2 - CircuitPython
. Arduino2
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D3 - CircuitPython
. Arduino3
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D4 - CircuitPython
. Arduino4
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D5 - CircuitPython
. Arduino5
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D6 - CircuitPython
. Arduino6
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D7 - CircuitPython
. Arduino7
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D8 - CircuitPython
. Arduino8
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D9 - CircuitPython
. Arduino9
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MISO - CircuitPython
. Arduino20
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MOSI - CircuitPython
. Arduino19
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SCK - CircuitPython
. Arduino18
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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