Top view of kit contents for Huzzah! Internet of Things Feather ESP8266 - WiFi Starter Kit.
OK you've signed up for and you're ready to build something cool and Internet-connected. All you need is this starter kit which...
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Angled shot of Raspberry Pi Model B+ 512MB RAM
OMG OMG OMG, did you hear? There's a Raspberry Pi called the Model B+ and check it out...more USB ports, more GPIO, better power supply, four mounting holes, less sticky-out...
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Arduino YUN
Arduino Yún 云Arduino Yún is the first member of a new groundbreaking line of wifi products combining the power Linux with ease of use of Arduino.
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BeagleBone Black development board
Adafruit is no longer shipping the BeagleBone Black Rev B, it has been replaced with the Rev C as of 5/12/14 - the Rev C now has...
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