To recreate the setup in the image above you'll need to add 3 components to your WipperSnapper device, a PIR sensor, a Stemma Relay, and the on-board NeoPixel.
The basic idea is to use the New Component button at the top of the device page, and select the component you want to add, then choose the appropriate board pin for the component (like D1) and any timing options if required.
To add a new component click the Plus where the components appear on the right hand side of the page, or use the New Component button at the top left of the screen above the device panel.
Search for and select the PIR Sensor from the list of components
The Create PIR Sensor Component window will be shown like the image below.
Change the PIR Sensor Name to "Currently In Office?" or your chosen phrase.
Set the PIR Sensor Pin to D1 (or the pin you've used instead).
Set the Return Interval to On Change (be sure you've adjusted the timing potentiometer so it wont fire too frequently).
Then Create Component.
In addition to the basic component setup you can customise a few features for each component, like the title, labels and icons. You can access the settings by clicking the Cog/Gear symbol next to one of the components on your device page.
Bring up the Edit PIR Sensor Component window for the PIR Sensor, by clicking on the settings cog:
You'll notice you can now set the Off/On labels, and update the Icons. There's a handy preview at the top right labelled Appearance.
Update the Off Label to say something appropriate when there is no movement detected in the room. I went with "Unknown".
Do the same for the On Label, I've used the phrase "In Room",
Now to update the Icons you click the button under the text Off Icon where it shows the current icon and says edit.
A search window pops up with two sections, the first for glyphs, and the second for emojis. You'll find a mix of suitable symbols in both, so have a good search around.
Set the Off Icon to person-walking-dashed-line-arrow-right or your own preference.
Set the On Icon to chair-office and save the updates with the Update Component button.
Use the New Component button again, and this time select the Relay component.
Set the Relay Pin to D2.
You'll notice the pin selection list has any in-use pins greyed out.
Set the Relay Name to "Attention Grabbing Horn 📯".
Change the Off Icon to use the Mute emoji.
Change the On Icon to use the Horn emoji.
Save the updates to the component.
Verify then accept the default options, as they should be appropriate.
The on-board NeoPixel pin (D45) should be selected.
Verify the number number of pixels is 1.
Brightness is between 0 and 255.
Once you've created the three components, try testing the NeoPixel by clicking one of the colors in the component panel.
You can turn off the NeoPixel by using the slider which affects the brightness. Slide all the way to the left to turn off the NeoPixel.
There is also a full color picker that pops up when you click the Dropper icon at the end of the row of colors.
This is a great way to find the HTML color code that is used for a specific color. Select the color you like and the magic hex code appears in the box. (We'll use some hex colors later in the Actions page)
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