This project uses the Adafruit FunHouse with the new Adafruit CircuitPython Dash Display library to create a customizable Adafruit IO dashboard on your FunHouse. This guide, as well as the Dash Display library, is currently only for the FunHouse, but expect support to be added for other boards like the PyPortal and Feather boards with a screen and WiFi connectivity.
There are a few examples of peripheral devices that will work directly with this, but in theory, just about any device should work as long as it publishes to or is controllable via an Adafruit IO feed. The devices I've written examples for are:
- Relay control with Power Relay Featherwing
- Relay control with 4-Outlet Power Relay
- NeoPixel control
- NeoPixel remote
- LiPo battery charger
- Door sensor
- Temperature and humidity sensor (can be easily modified to work with just about any sensor)
I'll go over 3 of the examples in this guide, but if you want to see the rest, you can find them all here.
I've also tried to use STEMMA QT whenever possible so the peripheral devices for this project should be very easy to assemble and should look pretty clean and organized.
This project mostly uses MQTT with the exception of the PyPortals which are currently having some issues with MQTT.

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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