First, the code makes all of the required imports, this may seem like a lot, but most of them are just for making the connection to Adafruit IO.
import time import ssl import displayio import board from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull from adafruit_display_text.label import Label import terminalio import touchio import socketpool import wifi import adafruit_minimqtt.adafruit_minimqtt as MQTT from adafruit_io.adafruit_io import IO_MQTT from adafruit_dash_display import Hub
Next, the navigation buttons are defined so they can be passed to the Dash Display library later.
up = DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_UP) up.direction = Direction.INPUT up.pull = Pull.DOWN select = DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_SELECT) select.direction = Direction.INPUT select.pull = Pull.DOWN down = DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_DOWN) down.direction = Direction.INPUT down.pull = Pull.DOWN back = touchio.TouchIn(board.CAP7) submit = touchio.TouchIn(board.CAP8)
After that, the code makes sure that there is a file present on the board.
# Check for Note: for this project, your needs an adafruit io api key as # well as the wifi information try: from secrets import secrets except ImportError: print("WiFi secrets are kept in, please add them there!") raise
Now, the DisplayIO group that the NeoPixel setter will use is defined. It consists of 6 labels, 3 that are static and 3 that are changed by user input.
rgb_group = displayio.Group() R_label = Label( terminalio.FONT, text=" +\nR:\n -", color=0xFFFFFF, anchor_point=((0, 0.5)), anchored_position=((5, 120)), scale=2, ) G_label = Label( terminalio.FONT, text=" +\nG:\n -", color=0xFFFFFF, anchor_point=((0, 0.5)), anchored_position=((90, 120)), scale=2, ) B_label = Label( terminalio.FONT, text=" +\nB:\n -", color=0xFFFFFF, anchor_point=((0, 0.5)), anchored_position=((175, 120)), scale=2, ) rgb_group.append(R_label) rgb_group.append(G_label) rgb_group.append(B_label) R = Label( terminalio.FONT, text="00", color=0xFFFFFF, anchor_point=((0, 0.5)), anchored_position=((35, 120)), scale=2, ) G = Label( terminalio.FONT, text="00", color=0xFFFFFF, anchor_point=((0, 0.5)), anchored_position=((120, 120)), scale=2, ) B = Label( terminalio.FONT, text="00", color=0xFFFFFF, anchor_point=((0, 0.5)), anchored_position=((205, 120)), scale=2, ) rgb_group.append(R) rgb_group.append(G) rgb_group.append(B)
Continuing what the code just did, the function that will use the DisplayIO group is defined. This function lets you input a hex value using the navigation buttons and then sends it to Adafruit IO.
# pylint: disable=unused-argument def rgb(last): """ Function for when the rgb screen is active """ display.root_group = displayio.CIRCUITPYTHON_TERMINAL rgb_group[3].text = "00" rgb_group[4].text = "00" rgb_group[5].text = "00" display.root_group = rgb_group time.sleep(0.2) index = 0 colors = [00, 00, 00] while True: if select.value: index += 1 if index == 3: index = 0 time.sleep(0.3) continue if up.value: colors[index] += 1 if colors[index] == 256: colors[index] = 0 rgb_group[index + 3].text = hex(colors[index])[2:] time.sleep(0.01) continue if down.value: colors[index] -= 1 if colors[index] == -1: colors[index] = 255 rgb_group[index + 3].text = hex(colors[index])[2:] time.sleep(0.01) continue if submit.value: color = ["{:02x}".format(colors[i]) for i in range(len(colors))] color = "#" + "".join(color) iot.publish("neopixel", color) break if back.value: break time.sleep(0.1) display.root_group = displayio.CIRCUITPYTHON_TERMINAL time.sleep(0.1)
The next two color callbacks are defined here. The first one just sets the text color to the value of the NeoPixel feed, which should always be an RGB hex string.
The second color callback sets the text color to red if the door is open and green if it is closed.
def rgb_set_color(message): """ Sets the color of the rgb label based on the value of the feed """ return int(message[1:], 16) def door_color(message): """ Sets the color of the door label based on the value of the feed """ door = bool(int(message)) if door: return int(0x00FF00) return int(0xFF0000)
Then, a callback for the door feed is defined. This callback sets the text to "Door: Open" if the value of the door feed is 'False' and thus open and "Door: Closed" if it is 'True' and thus closed.
def on_door(client, feed_id, message): """ Sets the door text based on the value of the feed """ door = bool(int(message)) if door: return "Door: Closed" return "Door: Open"
Next, the publish method for the lamp is defined. Basically it just publishes the opposite of whatever value was last sent from the lamp feed.
def pub_lamp(lamp): if isinstance(lamp, str): lamp = eval(lamp) # pylint: disable=eval-used iot.publish("lamp", str(not lamp)) # funhouse.set_text(f"Lamp: {not lamp}", 0) time.sleep(0.3)
After that, the code does all the Adafruit IO setup.
display = board.DISPLAY # Set your Adafruit IO Username and Key in # (visit if you need to create an account, # or if you need your Adafruit IO key.) aio_username = secrets["aio_username"] aio_key = secrets["aio_key"] print("Connecting to %s" % secrets["ssid"])["ssid"], secrets["password"]) print("Connected to %s!" % secrets["ssid"]) # Create a socket pool pool = socketpool.SocketPool( # Initialize a new MQTT Client object mqtt_client = MQTT.MQTT( broker="", username=secrets["aio_username"], password=secrets["aio_key"], socket_pool=pool, ssl_context=ssl.create_default_context(), ) # Initialize an Adafruit IO MQTT Client io = IO_MQTT(mqtt_client)
The code now defines the Dash Display Hub
object and passes it the display, the Adafruit IO object, and the navigation buttons.
iot = Hub(display=display, io=io, nav=(up, select, down, back, submit))
The code then adds all the devices to the Hub
object so they will be displayed.
iot.add_device( feed_key="lamp", default_text="Lamp: ", formatted_text="Lamp: {}", pub_method=pub_lamp, ) iot.add_device( feed_key="temperature", default_text="Temperature: ", formatted_text="Temperature: {:.1f} C", ) iot.add_device( feed_key="humidity", default_text="Humidity: ", formatted_text="Humidity: {:.2f}%" ) iot.add_device( feed_key="neopixel", default_text="LED: ", formatted_text="LED: {}", color_callback=rgb_set_color, pub_method=rgb, ) iot.add_device( feed_key="battery", default_text="Battery: ", formatted_text="Battery: {}%", ) iot.add_device( feed_key="door", default_text="Door: ", formatted_text="Door: {}", color_callback=door_color, callback=on_door, ) iot.get()
Finally, the code calls theĀ Hub
object's loop function which checks all the nav buttons and does things accordingly.
while True: iot.loop() time.sleep(0.01)
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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