If you are new to using Adafruit IO, you can read all about it in this guide. Go ahead and get your account started.
Visit your Adafruit IO Profile page and click the VIEW AIO KEY button on the left-sidebar.
A window will pop up with your Adafruit IO key and username. Keep a copy of them in a safe place, we'll need them later.
The IO House Series will eventually contain a large amount of Adafruit IO Feeds, which store data. There is one feed per each unique source of data.
To create a feed for the lights inside the house, navigate to the Adafruit IO Feeds Page and click Actions->Create a New Feed. Name the new feed inside-lights.
Next, we're going to create the other feeds which will be used by our house. Create a feed for each of the following: temperature, humidity, outside-lights.
- If you do not know how to create feeds, head over to the Adafruit IO Basics: Feeds for a quick overview of this process.
Next, we'll create an Adafruit IO Dashboard to display and control our feeds. Navigate to the Adafruit IO Dashboard page and click Actions->Create a New Dashboard.
Name this dashboard IO House and click Create. You'll be re-directed to the new Dashboard.
We're going to create two Color Picker blocks to control our inside and outside lighting.
From the IO House Dashboard, click the blue plus icon to add a new block to the dashboard. Then, from the list of available blocks, click the color-picker block.
Select the indoor-lights feed created earlier.
A new Color Picker block should appear on your dashboard. Repeat these steps to create another color picker for the outside lights. Your dashboard should look like the following:
We also need a way to display our temperature and humidity feeds. We'll create a new block, this time picking the Gauge block, a read-only block that shows a fixed range of values. Select the temperature feed from My Feeds.
We're going to configure the gauge block with a title of temperature, a minimum value of zero degrees Fahrenheit, and a maximum of 220 degrees Fahrenheit.
The gauges in Adafruit IO have recently been improved to include warning values. We'll set them to the freezing point (32 degrees Fahrenheit) and the boiling point (212 degrees Fahrenheit) of water.
Then, repeat the process of creating a gauge element to display the relative humidity. Your dashboard should look like the following (I added two text blocks to separate the light control and data monitoring parts of the dashboard).
Next, let's set up the Arduino IDE for use with this project.
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