The Wiring for this sketch is less complicated than it looks. We'll connect each sensor/output to the Feather individually.
Make the following connections between the Feather HUZZAH and the SGP30:
- Feather 3V to SGP30 Vin
- Feather GND to SGP30 GND
- Feather SCL to SGP30 SCL
- Feather SDA to SGP30 SDA
Make the following connections between the Feather Huzzah and the Door Sensor (Reed Switch):
- Feather Pin 2 to one end of the reed switch
- Feather GND to the other end of the reed switch
Make the following connections between the Feather Huzzah and the NeoPixel Jewel:
- Feather GND to NeoPixel Jewel GND
- Feather 3V to NeoPixel Jewel PWR
- Feather Pin 12 to NeoPixel Jewel DIN
Make the following connections between the Feather Huzzah and the PIR Sensor:
- Feather USB to PIR +5V
- Feather GND to PIR GND
- Feather 13 to PIR Signal
Next, let's set up our Arduino for this project.
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