You will not be able to use this guide without completing the the IoT Power Outlet Guide.
If you have not followed this guide, navigate to the IoT Power Outlet Guide's Adafruit IO setup page and come back here when you are done.
Adding a Schedule Action
Log into Adafruit IO and navigate to the Adafruit IO Actions page.
Click Actions -> Create a New Action.
A modal should appear, giving you the option of selecting a Reactive Action or a Schedule Action.
Click Schedule Action.
A schedule action can be activated based on specific times and dates such as “Tuesdays at 9pm” or “At 2:00 PM, only on Friday”, or “Every 4 hours”.
Let's turn the lights on every weekday morning at 8:00 AM to wake us up!
Set the time period to Daily and click Every week day.
Then, set the start time to 08:00 or whenever you normally wake up.
The CircuitPython or Arduino code will turn the outlet on depending on the feed's value at this time. Let's publish the value morning to the relay feed.
Set Then to publish a message to:
Select the relay feed
Enter morning as the value to be sent to the feed.
and Click Create
Let's turn off the lights after 11PM. To do this, you'll need to create another action.
Select Daily as the time period.
Select Every week day
Set the Start time to 23:00
Then, configure the action to publish a message to the relay feed with the value night
Before moving on, make sure your actions page lists both the 8:00AM action and 11:00PM action.
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