Angled shot of a Adafruit HUZZAH CC3000 WiFi Shield with Onboard Antenna.
For years we've seen all sorts of microcontroller-friendly WiFi modules but none of them were really Adafruit-worthy. Either they were too slow, or too difficult to use, or...
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Angled shot of a Adafruit METRO 328 Fully Assembled
We sure love the ATmega328 here at Adafruit, and we use them a lot for our own projects. The processor has plenty of GPIO, Analog inputs, hardware UART SPI and I2C,...
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Hand holding NeoPixel Ring with 16 x 5050 RGB LED, lit up rainbow
Round and round and round they go! 16 ultra bright smart LED NeoPixels are arranged in a circle with 1.75" (44.5mm) outer diameter. The rings are 'chainable' - connect the...
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Angled shot of power supply.
This is an FCC/CE certified and UL listed power supply. Need a lot of 5V power? This switching supply gives a clean regulated 5V output at up to 2000mA. 110 or 240 input, so it works...
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