When you send a feed value to Adafruit IO, the system automatically creates that feed and starts logging the data. But, in this example, we aren't sending any data to AIO. We are only reading data from the three sliders. We will need to create three new feeds in the dashboard when creating each slider block. Then, we will have the Arduino read the value of these feeds.
When you create a new block, you will need to name your feed under Select Data. In this case, I named the feeds NeoRED, NeoGRN, NeoBLU. Create a slider for each color and change the max slider value to 255 (to match the max RGB values), and organize them how you want in the dashboard like below.
Once you connect your Arduino to AIO, start changing the slider values and watch the LED lights change almost instantly.
This is a great project to show off how to set up a feed in AIO, and to show how the sliders work. Stay tuned for more basic guides coming soon.
Page last edited November 10, 2014
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