If you wish to change the name or description of your dashboard, you can do that from the list of your dashboards.
On the dashboard page, select the dashboard you wish to edit by clicking on the checkbox next to its name.
Click the Edit Dashboard button.
You will be presented with a form with three text inputs:
- Name - A short descriptive title of your data. Letters, numbers, and spaces are valid characters, and this field is required. The feed name must be unique for your account.
- Key - Used when accessing the dashboard programatically. By default, the key is a lowercase version of your dashboard name with spaces removed. You can modify the key to be any unique combination of lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes.
- Description - A long form description of your data. This field is not required, but it's useful to provide a detailed description if your dashboard will be public.
Once you have finished editing these fields, click the Save button.
Rearrange Blocks on a Dashboard
If you have created a dashboard with multiple blocks, you might want to rearrange them. Start by clicking on the gear button on the upper-right-hand side of your dashboard. Then, click "Edit Layout"
The GIF animation below demonstrates how to rearrange blocks. To move a block, click on the outer perimeter of the block, and drag the block to its new location. Click the Save Layout button when you are finished.
Resize a Dashboard Block
You can also change the size of blocks on your dashboard. Click the gear icon on the upper-right-hand side of your dashboard. Then, click Edit Layout.
The GIF animation below demonstrates how to resize blocks. You can resize a block by clicking on the bottom right corner and dragging to make the block smaller or larger.
Editing a Dashboard Block
If you wish to edit a block, you will need to enter dashboard edit mode by clicking on the gear on the upper right-hand side of the screen.
From the dropdown, click Edit Layout.
Next, click the gear icon on the upper right-hand corner of the block you wish to edit. From the dropdown, click Edit Block.
A form similar to the one you used to create the block will appear. If you want to change the feed connected to the block, you can do this here.
At the bottom of the form, click Next Step to continue.
You can also edit the block settings if needed. Click Update Block to finish editing.
Click the Save Layout button on the upper right hand side of the screen to exit dashboard edit mode.
Delete a Dashboard Block
If you want to delete a block, you will first need to enter the dashboard layout mode by clicking on the gear on the upper right-hand side of the screen.
Under Dashboard Settings, click Edit Layout.
Then, click the gear icon on the top-right corner of the block you want to delete.
Click Delete Block to remove the block from your dashboard.
Click the Save Layout button on the upper right hand side of the screen to save your changes.
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