The code waits ten seconds between sensor reads and publishing to Adafruit IO. We can adjust this by increasing or decreasing the READ_DELAY
variable at the top of our code.
// Delay between sensor reads, in seconds #define READ_DELAY 10
The next chunk of code sets up feed instances to hold the data produced by the sensors.
// set up the feeds for the BME280 AdafruitIO_Feed *temperatureFeed = io.feed("temperature"); AdafruitIO_Feed *humidityFeed = io.feed("humidity"); AdafruitIO_Feed *pressureFeed = io.feed("pressure"); AdafruitIO_Feed *altitudeFeed = io.feed("altitude"); // set up feed for the VEML6070 AdafruitIO_Feed *uvFeed = io.feed("uv"); // set up feeds for the SGP30 AdafruitIO_Feed *tvocFeed = io.feed("tvoc"); AdafruitIO_Feed *ecO2Feed = io.feed("ecO2");
In the setup function, we make calls to setupBME280()
and setupSGP30()
, which set up both of these sensors. We're also going to set up the VEML6070 by calling uv.begin()
, then connect to Adafruit IO. The code will wait until you have a valid connection to Adafruit IO before continuing with the sketch.
If you have any issues connecting, check config.h
for any typos in your username, key, or WiFi credentials.
void setup() { // start the serial connection Serial.begin(9600); // wait for serial monitor to open while (!Serial); Serial.println("Adafruit IO Environmental Logger"); // set up BME280 setupBME280(); // set up SGP30 setupSGP30(); // setup VEML6070 uv.begin(VEML6070_1_T); // connect to Serial.print("Connecting to Adafruit IO"); io.connect(); // wait for a connection while (io.status() < AIO_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("."); delay(500); } // we are connected Serial.println(); Serial.println(io.statusText()); }
The code inside the loop()
obtains values from the sensors and saves their current state. The SGP30 sometimes fails on read (due to timing). If this occurs, we'll set the measurements of tvocReading
and ECO2Reading
to -1 so we can catch this type of error in our dashboard.
Serial.println("Reading Sensors..."); // Read the temperature from the BME280 temperatureReading = bme.readTemperature(); // convert from celsius to degrees fahrenheit temperatureReading = temperatureReading * 1.8 + 32; Serial.print("Temperature = "); Serial.print(temperatureReading); Serial.println(" *F"); // Read the pressure from the BME280 pressureReading = bme.readPressure() / 100.0F; Serial.print("Pressure = "); Serial.print(pressureReading); Serial.println(" hPa"); // Read the altitude from the BME280 altitudeReading = bme.readAltitude(SEALEVELPRESSURE_HPA); Serial.print("Approx. Altitude = "); Serial.print(altitudeReading); Serial.println(" m"); // Read the humidity from the BME280 humidityReading = bme.readHumidity(); Serial.print("Humidity = "); Serial.print(humidityReading); Serial.println("%"); // VEML6070 uvReading = uv.readUV(); Serial.print("UV Light Level: "); Serial.println(uvReading); if(! sgp.IAQmeasure()){ tvocReading = -1; ecO2Reading = -1; } else { tvocReading = sgp.TVOC; ecO2Reading = sgp.eCO2; }
The final chunk of the loop()
function sends sensor data to the feeds associated with that data. We also delay the polled loop to wait for the temperature to change.
// send data to Adafruit IO feeds temperatureFeed->save(temperatureReading); humidityFeed->save(humidityReading); altitudeFeed->save(altitudeReading); pressureFeed->save(pressureReading); uvFeed->save(uvReading); ecO2Feed->save(ecO2Reading); tvocFeed->save(tvocReading);
Upload the sketch to your board and open the Arduino Serial Monitor (Tools -> Serial Monitor). You should see the board connecting to Adafruit IO, obtain sensor readings, and send them to Adafruit IO:
Adafruit IO Environmental Logger BME Sensor is set up! Found SGP30 serial #064F41A Connecting to Adafruit IOAdafruitIO::connect() . Adafruit IO connected. Reading Sensors... Temperature = 82 *F Pressure = 1006 hPa Approx. Altitude = 56 m Humidity = 43% UV Light Level: 3 TVOC: 0 ppb eCO2: 400 ppm
Check your Dashboard on Adafruit IO and you should see your dashboard populated with values. You should also see them change every ten seconds.
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