Add Internet to your next project with an adorable, bite-sized WiFi microcontroller, at a price you like! The ESP8266 processor from Espressif is an 80 MHz microcontroller with a full...
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The cable is easiest way ever to connect to your microcontroller/Raspberry Pi/WiFi router serial console port. Inside the big USB plug is a USB<->Serial conversion chip and at...
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Just about all electronics use TTL serial for debugging, bootloading, programming, serial output, etc. But it's rare for a computer to have a serial port anymore. This is a USB to...
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Long gone are the days of parallel ports and serial ports. Now the USB port reigns supreme! But USB is hard, and you just want to transfer your every-day serial data from a...
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This interesting module is a lot of fun for hobbyists and students who are interested in experimenting with the ESP8266 WiFi chipset. We bought a bunch of these modules, updated the...
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OK you've signed up for and you're ready to build something cool and Internet-connected. All you need is this starter kit which...
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OK you've signed up for and you're ready to build something cool and Internet-connected. All you need is this starter kit which...
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