This Arduino sketch will loop and print values from all of the Feather Sense's onboard sensors. This can be handy as a quick check or just use a general reference.
The code listing is below. With this sketch loaded and running, open the Serial Monitor (make sure baud rate is set correctly) and you should see output like this:
To keep things simple, this example uses the sensors in their default configuration. Typically, there are many more settings available to change a sensors behavior. For further details, see the libraries and examples specific to each sensor.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Carter Nelson for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // #include <Adafruit_APDS9960.h> #include <Adafruit_BMP280.h> #include <Adafruit_LIS3MDL.h> #include <Adafruit_LSM6DS33.h> #include <Adafruit_LSM6DS3TRC.h> #include <Adafruit_SHT31.h> #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> #include <PDM.h> Adafruit_APDS9960 apds9960; // proximity, light, color, gesture Adafruit_BMP280 bmp280; // temperautre, barometric pressure Adafruit_LIS3MDL lis3mdl; // magnetometer Adafruit_LSM6DS3TRC lsm6ds3trc; // accelerometer, gyroscope Adafruit_LSM6DS33 lsm6ds33; Adafruit_SHT31 sht30; // humidity uint8_t proximity; uint16_t r, g, b, c; float temperature, pressure, altitude; float magnetic_x, magnetic_y, magnetic_z; float accel_x, accel_y, accel_z; float gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z; float humidity; int32_t mic; long int accel_array[6]; long int check_array[6]={0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00}; extern PDMClass PDM; short sampleBuffer[256]; // buffer to read samples into, each sample is 16-bits volatile int samplesRead; // number of samples read bool new_rev = true; void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); // while (!Serial) delay(10); Serial.println("Feather Sense Sensor Demo"); // initialize the sensors apds9960.begin(); apds9960.enableProximity(true); apds9960.enableColor(true); bmp280.begin(); lis3mdl.begin_I2C(); lsm6ds33.begin_I2C(); // check for readings from LSM6DS33 sensors_event_t accel; sensors_event_t gyro; sensors_event_t temp; lsm6ds33.getEvent(&accel, &gyro, &temp); accel_array[0] = accel.acceleration.x; accel_array[1] = accel.acceleration.y; accel_array[2] = accel.acceleration.z; accel_array[3] = gyro.gyro.x; accel_array[4] = gyro.gyro.y; accel_array[5] = gyro.gyro.z; // if all readings are empty, then new rev for (int i =0; i < 5; i++) { if (accel_array[i] != check_array[i]) { new_rev = false; break; } } // and we need to instantiate the LSM6DS3TRC if (new_rev) { lsm6ds3trc.begin_I2C(); } sht30.begin(); PDM.onReceive(onPDMdata); PDM.begin(1, 16000); } void loop(void) { proximity = apds9960.readProximity(); while (!apds9960.colorDataReady()) { delay(5); } apds9960.getColorData(&r, &g, &b, &c); temperature = bmp280.readTemperature(); pressure = bmp280.readPressure(); altitude = bmp280.readAltitude(1013.25);; magnetic_x = lis3mdl.x; magnetic_y = lis3mdl.y; magnetic_z = lis3mdl.z; sensors_event_t accel; sensors_event_t gyro; sensors_event_t temp; if (new_rev) { lsm6ds3trc.getEvent(&accel, &gyro, &temp); } else { lsm6ds33.getEvent(&accel, &gyro, &temp); } accel_x = accel.acceleration.x; accel_y = accel.acceleration.y; accel_z = accel.acceleration.z; gyro_x = gyro.gyro.x; gyro_y = gyro.gyro.y; gyro_z = gyro.gyro.z; humidity = sht30.readHumidity(); samplesRead = 0; mic = getPDMwave(4000); Serial.println("\nFeather Sense Sensor Demo"); Serial.println("---------------------------------------------"); Serial.print("Proximity: "); Serial.println(apds9960.readProximity()); Serial.print("Red: "); Serial.print(r); Serial.print(" Green: "); Serial.print(g); Serial.print(" Blue :"); Serial.print(b); Serial.print(" Clear: "); Serial.println(c); Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(temperature); Serial.println(" C"); Serial.print("Barometric pressure: "); Serial.println(pressure); Serial.print("Altitude: "); Serial.print(altitude); Serial.println(" m"); Serial.print("Magnetic: "); Serial.print(magnetic_x); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(magnetic_y); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(magnetic_z); Serial.println(" uTesla"); Serial.print("Acceleration: "); Serial.print(accel_x); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(accel_y); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(accel_z); Serial.println(" m/s^2"); Serial.print("Gyro: "); Serial.print(gyro_x); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(gyro_y); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(gyro_z); Serial.println(" dps"); Serial.print("Humidity: "); Serial.print(humidity); Serial.println(" %"); Serial.print("Mic: "); Serial.println(mic); delay(300); } /*****************************************************************/ int32_t getPDMwave(int32_t samples) { short minwave = 30000; short maxwave = -30000; while (samples > 0) { if (!samplesRead) { yield(); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < samplesRead; i++) { minwave = min(sampleBuffer[i], minwave); maxwave = max(sampleBuffer[i], maxwave); samples--; } // clear the read count samplesRead = 0; } return maxwave - minwave; } void onPDMdata() { // query the number of bytes available int bytesAvailable = PDM.available(); // read into the sample buffer, bytesAvailable); // 16-bit, 2 bytes per sample samplesRead = bytesAvailable / 2; }
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