This base class is the main entry point to the Adafruit Bluefruit nRF52 API, and exposes most of the helper classes and functions that you use to configure your device.
// Constructor AdafruitBluefruit(void); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Lower Level Classes (Bluefruit.Advertising.*, etc.) *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BLEGap Gap; BLEGatt Gatt; BLEAdvertising Advertising; BLEAdvertisingData ScanResponse; BLEScanner Scanner; BLECentral Central; BLEDiscovery Discovery; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SoftDevice Configure Functions, must call before begin(). * These function affect the SRAM consumed by SoftDevice. *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void configServiceChanged (bool changed); void configUuid128Count (uint8_t uuid128_max); void configAttrTableSize (uint32_t attr_table_size); // Config Bandwidth for connections void configPrphConn (uint16_t mtu_max, uint8_t event_len, uint8_t hvn_qsize, uint8_t wrcmd_qsize); void configCentralConn (uint16_t mtu_max, uint8_t event_len, uint8_t hvn_qsize, uint8_t wrcmd_qsize); // Convenient function to config connection void configPrphBandwidth (uint8_t bw); void configCentralBandwidth(uint8_t bw); err_t begin(uint8_t prph_count = 1, uint8_t central_count = 0); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* General Functions *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void setName (const char* str); uint8_t getName (char* name, uint16_t bufsize); bool setTxPower (int8_t power); int8_t getTxPower (void); bool setApperance (uint16_t appear); uint16_t getApperance (void); void autoConnLed (bool enabled); void setConnLedInterval (uint32_t ms); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* GAP, Connections and Bonding *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool connected (void); bool disconnect (void); bool setConnInterval (uint16_t min, uint16_t max); bool setConnIntervalMS (uint16_t min_ms, uint16_t max_ms); uint16_t connHandle (void); bool connPaired (void); uint16_t connInterval (void); bool requestPairing (void); void clearBonds (void); ble_gap_addr_t getPeerAddr (void); uint8_t getPeerAddr (uint8_t addr[6]); void printInfo(void); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Callbacks *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void setConnectCallback ( BLEGap::connect_callback_t fp); void setDisconnectCallback( BLEGap::disconnect_callback_t fp);
These functions are generally available via 'Bluefruit.*'. For example, to check the connection status in your sketch you could run 'if (Bluefruit.connected()) { ... }
For examples of how to work with the parent Bluefruit class, see the Examples section later in this guide. It's better to examine this class in the context of a real world use case.
You can also browse the latest example code online via Github:
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