Using the EYESPI breakout with CircuitPython involves wiring up the breakout to your CircuitPython-compatible microcontroller and plugging in your EYESPI-compatible display via an EYESPI cable. Then, you load the code and necessary libraries onto your microcontroller to see the graphics test on the display.
This page uses the 1.54" 240x240 ST7789 TFT display for demonstrating CircuitPython usage. You can use the same concepts to get going with any EYESPI-compatible display.

First, wire the EYESPI breakout to your CircuitPython-compatible microcontroller. The diagram below shows wiring up to a Feather RP2040. Then, connect your EYESPI-compatible display via an EYESPI cable to the breakout.
- Feather 3.3V to breakout Vin
- Feather GND to breakout Gnd
- Feather SCK to breakout SCK
- Feather MO to breakout MOSI
- Feather MI to breakout MISO
- Feather D9 to breakout RST
- Feather D6 to breakout DC
- Feather D5 to breakout TCS
Attach the TFT screen to the EYESPI breakout with an EYESPI cable as described on the Plugging in an EYESPI Cable page.
CircuitPython Usage
To use with CircuitPython, you need to first install the necessary libraries, and their dependencies, into the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive. Then you need to update with the example script.
Thankfully, we can do this in one go. In the example below, click the Download Project Bundle button below to download the necessary libraries and the file in a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file.
Connect the microcontroller to your computer via a known-good USB power+data cable. The board shows up as a thumb drive named CIRCUITPY. Copy the entire lib folder, the tom-thumb.pcf font file, and the file to your CIRCUITPY drive.
Your CIRCUITPY/lib folder should contain the following folders and files:
- /adafruit_bitmap_font
- /adafruit_display_text
- adafruit_st7789.mpy
Once you have copied over the necessary folders and files, your CIRCUITPY drive should resemble the following:

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """ This test will initialize the display using displayio and draw a solid green background, a smaller purple rectangle, and some yellow text. """ import board import terminalio import displayio # Starting in CircuitPython 9.x fourwire will be a seperate internal library # rather than a component of the displayio library try: from fourwire import FourWire except ImportError: from displayio import FourWire from adafruit_display_text import label from adafruit_st7789 import ST7789 # Release any resources currently in use for the displays displayio.release_displays() spi = board.SPI() tft_cs = board.D5 tft_dc = board.D6 display_bus = FourWire(spi, command=tft_dc, chip_select=tft_cs, reset=board.D9) display = ST7789(display_bus, width=240, height=240, rowstart=80) # Make the display context splash = displayio.Group() display.root_group = splash color_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(240, 240, 1) color_palette = displayio.Palette(1) color_palette[0] = 0x00FF00 # Bright Green bg_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(color_bitmap, pixel_shader=color_palette, x=0, y=0) splash.append(bg_sprite) # Draw a smaller inner rectangle inner_bitmap = displayio.Bitmap(200, 200, 1) inner_palette = displayio.Palette(1) inner_palette[0] = 0xAA0088 # Purple inner_sprite = displayio.TileGrid(inner_bitmap, pixel_shader=inner_palette, x=20, y=20) splash.append(inner_sprite) # Draw a label text_group = displayio.Group(scale=2, x=50, y=120) text = "Hello World!" text_area = label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text=text, color=0xFFFF00) text_group.append(text_area) # Subgroup for text scaling splash.append(text_group) while True: pass
Once everything is copied over, on your display, you should see a green rectangle appear, followed by a smaller, inset purple rectangle, and finally, yellow text centered on the display saying, "Hello World!".
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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