Updated guides have been published for the different sizes of eInk Breakouts, Shields, and FeatherWings:
Breakout Wiring
Wiring up the display in SPI mode is pretty easy as there's not that many pins! We'll be using hardware SPI, but you can also use software SPI (any pins) later.
- Vin connects to the microcontroller board's 5V or 3.3V power supply pin
- GND connects to ground
- CLK connects to SPI clock. It's easiest to connect it to pin 3 of the ICSP header.
- MOSI connects to SPI MOSI. It's easiest to connect it to pin 4 of the ICSP header.
- MISO connects to SPI MISO. It's easiest to connect it to pin 1 of the ICSP header.
- ECS connects to our e-Ink Chip Select pin. We'll be using Digital 9
- D/C connects to our e-Ink data/command select pin. We'll be using Digital 10.
- SRCS connects to our SRAM Chip Select pin. We'll be using Digital 6
- RST connects to our e-Ink reset pin. We'll be using Digital 8.
- BUSY connects to our e-Ink busy pin. We'll be using Digital 7.
- SDCS connects to our SD Card Chip Select pin. We'll be using Digital 5
- Raspberry Pi 3.3 to display VIN
- Raspberry Pi GND to display GND
- Raspberry Pi SCLK to display SCK
- Raspberry Pi MOSI to display MOSI
- Raspberry Pi GPIO CE0 to display ECS
- Raspberry Pi GPIO 22 to display D/C
- Raspberry Pi GPIO 27 to display RST
- Raspberry Pi GPIO 17 to display BUSY
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