Updated guides have been published for the different sizes of eInk Breakouts, Shields, and FeatherWings:
For this display we will run a 4-level grayscale demo
Open up File→Examples→Adafruit_EPD→ThinkInk_gray4
#define EPD_DC 10 #define EPD_CS 9 #define SRAM_CS 6 #define EPD_RESET 8 // can set to -1 and share with microcontroller Reset! #define EPD_BUSY 7 // can set to -1 to not use a pin (will wait a fixed delay)
Change both EPD_RESET
to -1 since neither of these lines are connected on the FeatherWing.
You'll also need to update the CS and DC pins if you're not using a Feather M0 or M4. For example, on an ESP8266
#define SRAM_CS 16
#define EPD_CS 0
#define EPD_DC 15
Configure Display Size
Find the part of the script where you can pick which display is going to be used.
For the 2.9" Grayscale Featherwing, you will need to have ThinkInk_290_Grayscale4_T5
uncommented, and any other type commented.
Fine this line and make sure it is not commented out:
// 2.9" Grayscale Featherwing or Breakout: ThinkInk_290_Grayscale4_T5 display(EPD_DC, EPD_RESET, EPD_CS, SRAM_CS, EPD_BUSY);
Upload Sketch
Go ahead and upload the sketch to your board. Once it is done uploading, open the Serial Monitor.
The display should start running a series of monochrome and grayscale tests.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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