What is WipperSnapper
WipperSnapper is a firmware designed to turn any WiFi-capable board into an Internet-of-Things device without programming a single line of code. WipperSnapper connects to Adafruit IO, a web platform designed (by Adafruit!) to display, respond, and interact with your project's data.
Simply load the WipperSnapper firmware onto your board, add credentials, and plug it into power. Your board will automatically register itself with your Adafruit IO account.
From there, you can add components to your board such as buttons, switches, potentiometers, sensors, and more! Components are dynamically added to hardware, so you can immediately start interacting, logging, and streaming the data your projects produce without writing code.
If you've never used WipperSnapper, click below to read through the quick start guide before continuing.
First, wire up a DPS310 to your board exactly as follows. Here is an example of the DPS310 wired to an Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2 using I2C with a STEMMA QT cable (no soldering required)
Board 3V to sensor VIN (red wire on STEMMA QT)
Board GND to sensor GND (black wire on STEMMA QT)
Board SCL to sensor SCL/SCK (yellow wire on STEMMA QT)
- Board SDA to sensor SDA/SDI (blue wire on STEMMA QT)
Connect your board to Adafruit IO Wippersnapper and navigate to the WipperSnapper board list.
On this page, select the WipperSnapper board you're using to be brought to the board's interface page.
If you do not see your board listed here - you need to connect your board to Adafruit IO first.
On the device page, quickly check that you're running the latest version of the WipperSnapper firmware.
The device tile on the left indicates the version number of the firmware running on the connected board.
- If the firmware version is green with a checkmark - continue with this guide.
- If the firmware version is red with an "X" - update to the latest WipperSnapper firmware on your board before continuing.
Next, make sure the sensor is plugged into your board and click the I2C Scan button.
You should see the DPS310's default I2C address of 0x77
pop up in the I2C scan list. If the jumper on the underside of the board is soldered, this address will be changed to 0x76
First, double-check the connection and/or wiring between the sensor and the board.
Then, reset the board and let it re-connect to Adafruit IO WipperSnapper.
With the sensor detected in an I2C scan, you're ready to add the sensor to your board.
Click the New Component button or the + button to bring up the component picker.
Adafruit IO supports a large amount of components. To quickly find your sensor, type DPS310
into the search bar, then select the DPS310 component.
On the component configuration page, the DPS310's sensor address should be listed along with the sensor's settings.
The Send Every option is specific to each sensor's measurements. This option will tell the Feather how often it should read from each of the DPS310's two sensors and send the data to Adafruit IO. Measurements can range from every 30 seconds to every 24 hours.
For this example, set the Send Every interval for each sensor to every 30 seconds.
Your device interface should now show the sensor components you created. After the interval you configured elapses, WipperSnapper will automatically read values from the sensor(s) and send them to Adafruit IO.
To view the data that has been logged from the sensor, click on the graph next to the sensor name.
Here you can see the feed history and edit things about the feed such as the name, privacy, webhooks associated with the feed and more. If you want to learn more about how feeds work, check out this page.
The DPS310 has two sensors that each have their own feeds. In this picture, we're looking at the pressure sensor, but if you click on the graph icon for the different sensors you'll see their feed history.
For IO Free accounts, feed data is stored for a maximum of 30 days and there's a maximum of 10 feeds. In this guide, you created two feeds (one for each of the DPS310's sensors). If you’d like to store data for more than 30 days, increase the number of feeds (components) you can use with WipperSnapper, or increase your data rate to send more sensor measurements to Adafruit IO - upgrade your account to Adafruit IO Plus.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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