Its summer time and that means tank tops, ice cream and bubbles! This robot friend makes a bountiful burst of bubbles all on its own.
This simple robot doesn't do a lot but it does it very well!
We have one DC motor with a fan attachment, and one servo motor where we connect the bubble wand. Every few seconds, the wand goes down into the bubble mix, then back up, the fan turns on for 3 seconds, then turns off and the process repeats!
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Limor Fried for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # CircuitPython 3.0 CRICKIT demo import time import board from adafruit_motor import servo, motor from adafruit_seesaw.pwmout import PWMOut from adafruit_seesaw.seesaw import Seesaw from busio import I2C i2c = I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) ss = Seesaw(i2c) print("Bubble machine!") SERVOS = True DCMOTORS = True # Create 4 Servos servos = [] if SERVOS: for ss_pin in (17, 16, 15, 14): pwm = PWMOut(ss, ss_pin) pwm.frequency = 50 _servo = servo.Servo(pwm) _servo.angle = 90 # starting angle, middle servos.append(_servo) # Create 2 DC motors motors = [] if DCMOTORS: for ss_pin in ((18, 19), (22, 23)): pwm0 = PWMOut(ss, ss_pin[0]) pwm1 = PWMOut(ss, ss_pin[1]) _motor = motor.DCMotor(pwm0, pwm1) motors.append(_motor) while True: print("servo down") servos[0].angle = 180 time.sleep(1) print("fan on") motors[0].throttle = 1 time.sleep(3) print("fan off") time.sleep(1) motors[0].throttle = 0 print("servo up") servos[0].angle = 0 time.sleep(1)
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