Once you've got the IDE installed and both Arcada and SensorLab libraries in place you can compile and run the test sketch. This will check all the hardware, and display it on the screen, its sort of a universal test because every part is checked. It's also a great reference if you want to know how to read the sensors or buttons, or control the screen.
If you don't want to compile the example, and want to just get to the hardware test, download CLUE_TEST.UF2 button here to download, and install it by double-clicking until you see a BOOT disk appear, then drag the UF2 over
You can find it as an example in the Adafruit Arcada library (check the previous pages for all the libraries you need to install!)
The test code
- Checks the QSPI flash chip initialised correctly, and displays the manufacturer/device ID if so
- Checks if the QPI flash has a filesystem on it (if not, try loading CircuitPython which will create a filesystem)
- Tests if all the sensors are found. You should see APDS9960 LSM6DS33 LISS3MDL SHT30 and BMP280 all in green text. If any are in red text, that means there was difficulty detecing the sensor. Try disconnecting it from power completely, waiting a few seconds, and plugging it back in.
- Print the ambient temperature from the BMP280
- Print the barometric pressure from the BMP280
- Print the humidity from the SHT30
- Print the light level from the APDS9960
- Print the accelerometer output from the LSM6DS33
- Print the gyroscope output from the LSM6DS33
- Print the magnetometer output from the LIS3MDL
- Print the audio level detected by the microphone (you can try blowing on the mic to see the number increase)
- When the left button is held down, you will hear a beep to test the piezo
- When the right button is held down, the front white LEDs will light up
- The NeoPixel on the back will display colors in the rainbow
- The red LED will pulse in and out.
To test Arcada's callback functionality, we pulse pin #13 red LED so you'll see it ramp up 4 times a second.
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