OK now that you have Arduino IDE set up, drivers installed if necessary and you've practiced uploading code, you can start installing all the Libraries we'll be using to program it.
There's a lot of libraries!
And install the following libraries:
Adafruit Arcada
This library generalizes the hardware for you so you can read the joystick, draw to the display, read files, etc. without having to worry about the underlying methods
If you aren't running Arduino IDE 1.8.10 or later, you'll need to install all of the following!
Adafruit NeoPixel
This will let you light up the status LEDs on the front/back
Adafruit Touchscreen
Used by Adafruit Arcada for touchscreen input (required even if your Arcada board does not have a touchscreen)
Adafruit SPIFlash
This will let you read/write to the onboard FLASH memory with super-fast QSPI support
If using an older (pre-1.8.10) Arduino IDE, locate and install Adafruit_BusIO (newer versions do this one automatically).
Adafruit ST7735
The display on the PyBadge/PyGamer & other Arcada boards
SdFat (Adafruit Fork)
The Adafruit fork of the really excellent SD card library that gives a lot more capability than the default SD library
Audio - Adafruit Fork
Our fork of the Audio library provides a toolkit for building streaming audio projects.
Text editor powered by tinymce.