The E-Ink Gizmo adds an e-ink display to you Circuit Playground, but it also adds some other extras. Let's take a look!
- VOUT - power input, connect to 3-5VDC.
- GND - power and signal ground. Connect to your power supply and microcontroller ground.
- 3.3V is the output from the onboard 3.3V regulator. If you have a need for a clean 3.3V output, you can use this! It can provide at least 100mA output.
The display used on the E-Ink Gizmo is a 1.54" tri-color e-Ink display.
- SCK - this is the SPI clock pin, its an input to the chip. This is connected to A4 or SCL.
- MOSI - this is the Microcontroller Out Serial In pin, for data sent from your processor to the e-ink display. This is connected to A5 or SDA.
- CS - this is the chip select pin, drop it low to start an SPI transaction. Its an input to the chip. This is connected to A6 or RX.
- DC - this is the e-ink SPI data or command selector pin. This is connected to A7 or TX.
- RST - this is the E-Ink ReSeT pin. It is connected to A3.
- Front and center is a 1.54" 152x152 tri-color e-ink display, with black and red ink pixels and a white-ish background.
- The display cable goes through to the back and connects to the display connector towards the top in the middle of the back.
- On the bottom of the back, there is a Molex Picoblade speaker connector and a class D amplifier connected to pin A0.
- The location is labeled on the front as A0 with a speaker symbol.
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