Not only can you draw shapes but you can also load images from QSPI flash, perfect for static images!
The 1.54" display can show a max of 152x152 pixels. Lets use this Blinka bitmap as our demo:
In order to copy the files to QSPI Flash, the easiest way is to load CircuitPython onto your device. If you are not sure how, you can check out our Welcome to CircuitPython guide.
After you have installed CircuitPython on your device, you should see a CIRCUITPY drive appear in the list of drives.
Copy over and rename the file to blinka.bmp to the root of that drive. Once that is copied, you can continue.
Now in Arduino, open the File→Examples→Adafruit ImageReader Library→EInkGizmo example.
Upload to the Circuit Playground and you should see Blinka appear!
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