- Getting Started with CircuitPython and Bluetooth Low Energy - Get started with CircuitPython, the Adafruit nRF52840 and the Bluefruit LE Connect app.
- BLE Light Switch with Feather nRF52840 and Crickit - Control a robot finger from across the room to flip on and off the lights!
- Color Remote with Circuit Playground Bluefruit - Mix NeoPixels wirelessly with a Bluetooth LE remote control!
- MagicLight Bulb Color Mixer with Circuit Playground Bluefruit - Mix colors on a MagicLight Bulb wirelessly with a Bluetooth LE remote control.
- Bluetooth Turtle Bot with CircuitPython and Crickit - Build your own Bluetooth controlled turtle rover!
- Wooden NeoPixel Xmas Tree - Cut a Christmas tree of wood and mount some NeoPixels in the tree to create a festive yuletide light display.
- Bluefruit TFT Gizmo ANCS Notifier for iOS - Circuit Playground Bluefruit displays your iOS notification icons so you know when there's fresh activity!
- Bluefruit Playground Hide and Seek - Use Circuit Playground Bluefruit devices to create a colorful signal strength-based proximity detector!
- Snow Globe with Circuit Playground Bluefruit - Make your own festive (or creatively odd!) snow globe with custom lighting effects and Bluetooth control.
- Bluetooth Controlled NeoPixel Lightbox - Great for tracing and writing, this lightbox lets you adjust color and brightness with your phone.
- Circuit Playground Bluefruit NeoPixel Animation and Color Remote Control - Control NeoPixel colors and animation remotely over Bluetooth with the Circuit Playground Bluefruit!
- Circuit Playground Bluetooth Cauldron - Build a Bluetooth Controlled Light Up Cauldron.
- NeoPixel Badge Lanyard with Bluetooth LE - Light up your convention badge and control colors with your phone!
- CircuitPython BLE Controlled NeoPixel Hat - Wireless control NeoPixels on your wearables!
- Bluefruit nRF52 Feather Learning Guide - Get started now with our most powerful Bluefruit board yet!
- CircusPython: Jump through Hoops with CircuitPython Bluetooth LE - Blinka jumps through a ring of fire, controlled via Bluetooth LE and the Bluefruit LE Connect app!
- A CircuitPython BLE Remote Control On/Off Switch - Make a remote control on/off switch for a computer with CircuitPython and BLE.
- NeoPixel Infinity Cube - Build a 3D printed, Bluetooth controlled Mirrored Acrylic and NeoPixel Infinity cube.
- CircuitPython BLE Crickit Rover - Purple Robot with Feather nRF52840 and Crickit plus NeoPixel underlighting!
- Circuit Playground Bluefruit Pumpkin with Lights and Sounds - Add the Circuit Playground Bluefruit and STEMMA speaker to an inexpensive plastic pumpkin.
- No-Solder LED Disco Tie with Bluetooth - Build an LED tie controlled by Bluetooth LE.
- Bluetooth Remote Control for the Lego Droid Developer Kit - Reinvigorating the Lego Star Wars Droid Developer Kit with an Adafruit powered remote control using Bluetooth LE.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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