The BLEService and BLECharacteristic classes can be used to implement any custom or officially adopted BLE service of characteristic using a set of basic properties and callback handlers.
The example below shows how to use these classes to implement the Heart Rate Monitor service, as defined by the Bluetooth SIG.
HRM Service Definition
UUID: 0x180D
Characteristic Name |
Requirement |
Properties |
Only the first characteristic is mandatory, but we will also implement the optionalĀ Body Sensor Location characteristic. Heart Rate Control Point won't be used in this example to keep things simple.
Implementing the HRM Service and Characteristics
The core service and the first two characteristics can be implemented with the following code:
First, define the BLEService and BLECharacteristic variables that will be used in your project:
/* HRM Service Definitions * Heart Rate Monitor Service: 0x180D * Heart Rate Measurement Char: 0x2A37 * Body Sensor Location Char: 0x2A38 */ BLEService hrms = BLEService(UUID16_SVC_HEART_RATE); BLECharacteristic hrmc = BLECharacteristic(UUID16_CHR_HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT); BLECharacteristic bslc = BLECharacteristic(UUID16_CHR_BODY_SENSOR_LOCATION);
Then you need to 'populate' those variables with appropriate values. For simplicity sake, you can define a custom function for your service where all of the code is placed, and then just call this function once in the 'setup' function:
void setupHRM(void) { // Configure the Heart Rate Monitor service // See: // Supported Characteristics: // Name UUID Requirement Properties // ---------------------------- ------ ----------- ---------- // Heart Rate Measurement 0x2A37 Mandatory Notify // Body Sensor Location 0x2A38 Optional Read // Heart Rate Control Point 0x2A39 Conditional Write <-- Not used here hrms.begin(); // Note: You must call .begin() on the BLEService before calling .begin() on // any characteristic(s) within that service definition.. Calling .begin() on // a BLECharacteristic will cause it to be added to the last BLEService that // was 'begin()'ed! // Configure the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic // See: // Permission = Notify // Min Len = 1 // Max Len = 8 // B0 = UINT8 - Flag (MANDATORY) // b5:7 = Reserved // b4 = RR-Internal (0 = Not present, 1 = Present) // b3 = Energy expended status (0 = Not present, 1 = Present) // b1:2 = Sensor contact status (0+1 = Not supported, 2 = Supported but contact not detected, 3 = Supported and detected) // b0 = Value format (0 = UINT8, 1 = UINT16) // B1 = UINT8 - 8-bit heart rate measurement value in BPM // B2:3 = UINT16 - 16-bit heart rate measurement value in BPM // B4:5 = UINT16 - Energy expended in joules // B6:7 = UINT16 - RR Internal (1/1024 second resolution) hrmc.setProperties(CHR_PROPS_NOTIFY); hrmc.setPermission(SECMODE_OPEN, SECMODE_NO_ACCESS); hrmc.setFixedLen(2); hrmc.setCccdWriteCallback(cccd_callback); // Optionally capture CCCD updates hrmc.begin(); uint8_t hrmdata[2] = { 0b00000110, 0x40 }; // Set the characteristic to use 8-bit values, with the sensor connected and detected hrmc.notify(hrmdata, 2); // Use .notify instead of .write! // Configure the Body Sensor Location characteristic // See: // Permission = Read // Min Len = 1 // Max Len = 1 // B0 = UINT8 - Body Sensor Location // 0 = Other // 1 = Chest // 2 = Wrist // 3 = Finger // 4 = Hand // 5 = Ear Lobe // 6 = Foot // 7:255 = Reserved bslc.setProperties(CHR_PROPS_READ); bslc.setPermission(SECMODE_OPEN, SECMODE_NO_ACCESS); bslc.setFixedLen(1); bslc.begin(); bslc.write8(2); // Set the characteristic to 'Wrist' (2) }
Service + Characteristic Setup Code Analysis
1. The first thing to do is to callĀ .begin() on the BLEService (hrms above). Since the UUID is set in the object declaration at the top of the sketch, there is normally nothing else to do with the BLEService instance.
2. Next, you can configure theĀ Heart Rate Measurement characteristic (hrmc above). The values that you set for this will depend on the characteristic definition, but for convenience sake we've documented the key information in the comments in the code above.
- '
' - This sets the PROPERTIES value for the characteristic, which determines how the characteristic can be accessed. In this case, the Bluetooth SIG has defined the characteristic asĀ Notify, which means thatĀ the peripheral will receive a request ('notification') from the Central when the Central wants to receive data using this characteristic. - `
` - This sets the security for the characteristic, and should normally be set to the values used in this example. - `
` - This tells the Bluetooth stack how many bytes the characteristic contains (normally a value between 1 and 20). In this case, we will use a fixed size of two bytes, so we callĀ .setFixedLen. If the characteristic has a variable length, you would need to set the max size via .setMaxLen.Ā - '
' - This optional code sets the callback that will be fired when the CCCD record is updated by the central. This is relevant because the characteristic is setup with the NOTIFY property. When the Central sets to 'Notify' bit, it will write to the CCCD record, and you can capture this write even in the CCCD callback and turn the sensor on, for example, allowing you to save power by only turning the sensor on (and back off) when it is or isn't actually being used. For the implementation of the CCCD callback handler, see the full sample code at the bottom of this page. - '
' Once all of the properties have been set, you must callĀ .begin() which will add the characteristic definition to the last BLEService that was '.begin()ed'.
3. Optionally set an initial value for the characteristic(s), such as the following code that populates 'hrmc' with a correct values, indicating that we are providing 8-bit heart rate monitor values, that the Body Sensor Location characteristic is present, and setting the first heart rate value to 0x04:
// Set the characteristic to use 8-bit values, with the sensor connected and detected uint8_t hrmdata[2] = { 0b00000110, 0x40 }; // Use .notify instead of .write! hrmc.notify(hrmdata, 2);
The CCCD callback handler has the following signature:
void cccd_callback(uint16_t conn_hdl, BLECharacteristic* chr, uint16_t cccd_value) { // Display the raw request packet Serial.print("CCCD Updated: "); //Serial.printBuffer(request->data, request->len); Serial.print(cccd_value); Serial.println(""); // Check the characteristic this CCCD update is associated with in case // this handler is used for multiple CCCD records. if (chr->uuid == htmc.uuid) { if (chr->indicateEnabled(conn_hdl)) { Serial.println("Temperature Measurement 'Indicate' enabled"); } else { Serial.println("Temperature Measurement 'Indicate' disabled"); } } }
4. Repeat the same procedure for any other BLECharacteristics in your service.
/********************************************************************* This is an example for our nRF52 based Bluefruit LE modules Pick one up today in the adafruit shop! Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! MIT license, check LICENSE for more information All text above, and the splash screen below must be included in any redistribution *********************************************************************/ #include <bluefruit.h> /* HRM Service Definitions * Heart Rate Monitor Service: 0x180D * Heart Rate Measurement Char: 0x2A37 * Body Sensor Location Char: 0x2A38 */ BLEService hrms = BLEService(UUID16_SVC_HEART_RATE); BLECharacteristic hrmc = BLECharacteristic(UUID16_CHR_HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT); BLECharacteristic bslc = BLECharacteristic(UUID16_CHR_BODY_SENSOR_LOCATION); BLEDis bledis; // DIS (Device Information Service) helper class instance BLEBas blebas; // BAS (Battery Service) helper class instance uint8_t bps = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while ( !Serial ) delay(10); // for nrf52840 with native usb Serial.println("Bluefruit52 HRM Example"); Serial.println("-----------------------\n"); // Initialise the Bluefruit module Serial.println("Initialise the Bluefruit nRF52 module"); Bluefruit.begin(); // Set the connect/disconnect callback handlers Bluefruit.Periph.setConnectCallback(connect_callback); Bluefruit.Periph.setDisconnectCallback(disconnect_callback); // Configure and Start the Device Information Service Serial.println("Configuring the Device Information Service"); bledis.setManufacturer("Adafruit Industries"); bledis.setModel("Bluefruit Feather52"); bledis.begin(); // Start the BLE Battery Service and set it to 100% Serial.println("Configuring the Battery Service"); blebas.begin(); blebas.write(100); // Setup the Heart Rate Monitor service using // BLEService and BLECharacteristic classes Serial.println("Configuring the Heart Rate Monitor Service"); setupHRM(); // Setup the advertising packet(s) Serial.println("Setting up the advertising payload(s)"); startAdv(); Serial.println("Ready Player One!!!"); Serial.println("\nAdvertising"); } void startAdv(void) { // Advertising packet Bluefruit.Advertising.addFlags(BLE_GAP_ADV_FLAGS_LE_ONLY_GENERAL_DISC_MODE); Bluefruit.Advertising.addTxPower(); // Include HRM Service UUID Bluefruit.Advertising.addService(hrms); // Include Name Bluefruit.Advertising.addName(); /* Start Advertising * - Enable auto advertising if disconnected * - Interval: fast mode = 20 ms, slow mode = 152.5 ms * - Timeout for fast mode is 30 seconds * - Start(timeout) with timeout = 0 will advertise forever (until connected) * * For recommended advertising interval * */ Bluefruit.Advertising.restartOnDisconnect(true); Bluefruit.Advertising.setInterval(32, 244); // in unit of 0.625 ms Bluefruit.Advertising.setFastTimeout(30); // number of seconds in fast mode Bluefruit.Advertising.start(0); // 0 = Don't stop advertising after n seconds } void setupHRM(void) { // Configure the Heart Rate Monitor service // See: // Supported Characteristics: // Name UUID Requirement Properties // ---------------------------- ------ ----------- ---------- // Heart Rate Measurement 0x2A37 Mandatory Notify // Body Sensor Location 0x2A38 Optional Read // Heart Rate Control Point 0x2A39 Conditional Write <-- Not used here hrms.begin(); // Note: You must call .begin() on the BLEService before calling .begin() on // any characteristic(s) within that service definition.. Calling .begin() on // a BLECharacteristic will cause it to be added to the last BLEService that // was 'begin()'ed! // Configure the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic // See: // Properties = Notify // Min Len = 1 // Max Len = 8 // B0 = UINT8 - Flag (MANDATORY) // b5:7 = Reserved // b4 = RR-Internal (0 = Not present, 1 = Present) // b3 = Energy expended status (0 = Not present, 1 = Present) // b1:2 = Sensor contact status (0+1 = Not supported, 2 = Supported but contact not detected, 3 = Supported and detected) // b0 = Value format (0 = UINT8, 1 = UINT16) // B1 = UINT8 - 8-bit heart rate measurement value in BPM // B2:3 = UINT16 - 16-bit heart rate measurement value in BPM // B4:5 = UINT16 - Energy expended in joules // B6:7 = UINT16 - RR Internal (1/1024 second resolution) hrmc.setProperties(CHR_PROPS_NOTIFY); hrmc.setPermission(SECMODE_OPEN, SECMODE_NO_ACCESS); hrmc.setFixedLen(2); hrmc.setCccdWriteCallback(cccd_callback); // Optionally capture CCCD updates hrmc.begin(); uint8_t hrmdata[2] = { 0b00000110, 0x40 }; // Set the characteristic to use 8-bit values, with the sensor connected and detected hrmc.write(hrmdata, 2); // Configure the Body Sensor Location characteristic // See: // Properties = Read // Min Len = 1 // Max Len = 1 // B0 = UINT8 - Body Sensor Location // 0 = Other // 1 = Chest // 2 = Wrist // 3 = Finger // 4 = Hand // 5 = Ear Lobe // 6 = Foot // 7:255 = Reserved bslc.setProperties(CHR_PROPS_READ); bslc.setPermission(SECMODE_OPEN, SECMODE_NO_ACCESS); bslc.setFixedLen(1); bslc.begin(); bslc.write8(2); // Set the characteristic to 'Wrist' (2) } void connect_callback(uint16_t conn_handle) { // Get the reference to current connection BLEConnection* connection = Bluefruit.Connection(conn_handle); char central_name[32] = { 0 }; connection->getPeerName(central_name, sizeof(central_name)); Serial.print("Connected to "); Serial.println(central_name); } /** * Callback invoked when a connection is dropped * @param conn_handle connection where this event happens * @param reason is a BLE_HCI_STATUS_CODE which can be found in ble_hci.h */ void disconnect_callback(uint16_t conn_handle, uint8_t reason) { (void) conn_handle; (void) reason; Serial.print("Disconnected, reason = 0x"); Serial.println(reason, HEX); Serial.println("Advertising!"); } void cccd_callback(uint16_t conn_hdl, BLECharacteristic* chr, uint16_t cccd_value) { // Display the raw request packet Serial.print("CCCD Updated: "); //Serial.printBuffer(request->data, request->len); Serial.print(cccd_value); Serial.println(""); // Check the characteristic this CCCD update is associated with in case // this handler is used for multiple CCCD records. if (chr->uuid == hrmc.uuid) { if (chr->notifyEnabled(conn_hdl)) { Serial.println("Heart Rate Measurement 'Notify' enabled"); } else { Serial.println("Heart Rate Measurement 'Notify' disabled"); } } } void loop() { digitalToggle(LED_RED); if ( Bluefruit.connected() ) { uint8_t hrmdata[2] = { 0b00000110, bps++ }; // Sensor connected, increment BPS value // Note: We use .notify instead of .write! // If it is connected but CCCD is not enabled // The characteristic's value is still updated although notification is not sent if ( hrmc.notify(hrmdata, sizeof(hrmdata)) ){ Serial.print("Heart Rate Measurement updated to: "); Serial.println(bps); }else{ Serial.println("ERROR: Notify not set in the CCCD or not connected!"); } } // Only send update once per second delay(1000); }
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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