This example shows how you can use the BLEBeacon helper class and advertising API to configure your Bluefruit nRF52 board as a 'Beacon'.
/********************************************************************* This is an example for our nRF52 based Bluefruit LE modules Pick one up today in the adafruit shop! Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! MIT license, check LICENSE for more information All text above, and the splash screen below must be included in any redistribution *********************************************************************/ #include <bluefruit.h> // Beacon uses the Manufacturer Specific Data field in the advertising packet, // which means you must provide a valid Manufacturer ID. Update // the field below to an appropriate value. For a list of valid IDs see: // // - 0x004C is Apple // - 0x0822 is Adafruit // - 0x0059 is Nordic // For testing with this sketch, you can use nRF Beacon app // - on Android you may need change the MANUFACTURER_ID to Nordic // - on iOS you may need to change the MANUFACTURER_ID to Apple. // You will also need to "Add Other Beacon, then enter Major, Minor that you set in the sketch #define MANUFACTURER_ID 0x0059 // "nRF Connect" app can be used to detect beacon uint8_t beaconUuid[16] = { 0x01, 0x12, 0x23, 0x34, 0x45, 0x56, 0x67, 0x78, 0x89, 0x9a, 0xab, 0xbc, 0xcd, 0xde, 0xef, 0xf0 }; // A valid Beacon packet consists of the following information: // UUID, Major, Minor, RSSI @ 1M BLEBeacon beacon(beaconUuid, 1, 2, -54); void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // Uncomment to blocking wait for Serial connection // while ( !Serial ) delay(10); Serial.println("Bluefruit52 Beacon Example"); Serial.println("--------------------------\n"); Bluefruit.begin(); // off Blue LED for lowest power consumption Bluefruit.autoConnLed(false); Bluefruit.setTxPower(0); // Check bluefruit.h for supported values // Manufacturer ID is required for Manufacturer Specific Data beacon.setManufacturer(MANUFACTURER_ID); // Setup the advertising packet startAdv(); Serial.printf("Broadcasting beacon with MANUFACTURER_ID = 0x%04X\n", MANUFACTURER_ID); Serial.println("open your beacon app to test such as: nRF Beacon"); Serial.println("- on Android you may need to change the MANUFACTURER_ID to 0x0059"); Serial.println("- on iOS you may need to change the MANUFACTURER_ID to 0x004C"); // Suspend Loop() to save power, since we didn't have any code there suspendLoop(); } void startAdv(void) { // Advertising packet // Set the beacon payload using the BLEBeacon class populated // earlier in this example Bluefruit.Advertising.setBeacon(beacon); // Secondary Scan Response packet (optional) // Since there is no room for 'Name' in Advertising packet Bluefruit.ScanResponse.addName(); /* Start Advertising * - Enable auto advertising if disconnected * - Timeout for fast mode is 30 seconds * - Start(timeout) with timeout = 0 will advertise forever (until connected) * * Apple Beacon specs * - Type: Non-connectable, scannable, undirected * - Fixed interval: 100 ms -> fast = slow = 100 ms */ Bluefruit.Advertising.setType(BLE_GAP_ADV_TYPE_NONCONNECTABLE_SCANNABLE_UNDIRECTED); Bluefruit.Advertising.restartOnDisconnect(true); Bluefruit.Advertising.setInterval(160, 160); // in unit of 0.625 ms Bluefruit.Advertising.setFastTimeout(30); // number of seconds in fast mode Bluefruit.Advertising.start(0); // 0 = Don't stop advertising after n seconds } void loop() { // loop is already suspended, CPU will not run loop() at all }
The bluefruit.h file is below (which includes the Bluefruit.setTxPower()
allowed values.
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2019, hathach ( for Adafruit * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef BLUEFRUIT_H_ #define BLUEFRUIT_H_ #include <Arduino.h> #include "bluefruit_common.h" #define CFG_ADV_BLINKY_INTERVAL 500 /* Note changing these parameters will affect APP_RAM_BASE * --> need to update RAM region in linker file * - BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_MAX from 23 (default) to 247 */ #define BLE_GATT_ATT_MTU_MAX 247 #define BLE_MAX_CONNECTION 20 // SD support up to 20 connections // Allocate more memory for GATT table for 840 #if defined(NRF52840_XXAA) || defined(NRF52833_XXAA) #define CFG_SD_ATTR_TABLE_SIZE 0x1000 #else #define CFG_SD_ATTR_TABLE_SIZE 0xC00 #endif #include "BLEUuid.h" #include "BLEAdvertising.h" #include "BLECharacteristic.h" #include "BLEService.h" #include "BLEScanner.h" #include "BLEPeriph.h" #include "BLECentral.h" #include "BLEClientCharacteristic.h" #include "BLEClientService.h" #include "BLEDiscovery.h" #include "BLEConnection.h" #include "BLEGatt.h" #include "BLESecurity.h" // Services #include "services/BLEDis.h" #include "services/BLEDfu.h" #include "services/BLEUart.h" #include "services/BLEBas.h" #include "services/BLEIas.h" #include "services/BLEBeacon.h" #include "services/BLEHidGeneric.h" #include "services/BLEHidAdafruit.h" #include "services/BLEHidGamepad.h" #include "services/BLEMidi.h" #include "services/EddyStone.h" #include "clients/BLEAncs.h" #include "clients/BLEClientUart.h" #include "clients/BLEClientDis.h" #include "clients/BLEClientCts.h" #include "clients/BLEClientHidAdafruit.h" #include "clients/BLEClientBas.h" #include "clients/BLEClientIas.h" #include "utility/AdaCallback.h" #include "utility/bonding.h" enum { BANDWIDTH_AUTO = 0, BANDWIDTH_LOW, BANDWIDTH_NORMAL, BANDWIDTH_HIGH, BANDWIDTH_MAX, }; enum { CONN_CFG_PERIPHERAL = 1, CONN_CFG_CENTRAL = 2, }; extern "C" { void SD_EVT_IRQHandler(void); } class AdafruitBluefruit { public: typedef void (*event_cb_t) (ble_evt_t* evt); typedef void (*rssi_cb_t) (uint16_t conn_hdl, int8_t rssi); AdafruitBluefruit(void); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Lower Level Classes (Bluefruit.Advertising.*, etc.) *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BLEPeriph Periph; BLECentral Central; BLESecurity Security; BLEGatt Gatt; BLEAdvertising Advertising; BLEAdvertisingData ScanResponse; BLEScanner Scanner; BLEDiscovery Discovery; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SoftDevice Configure Functions, must call before begin(). * These function affect the SRAM consumed by SoftDevice. *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void configServiceChanged (bool changed); void configUuid128Count (uint8_t uuid128_max); void configAttrTableSize (uint32_t attr_table_size); // Configure Bandwidth for connections void configPrphConn (uint16_t mtu_max, uint16_t event_len, uint8_t hvn_qsize, uint8_t wrcmd_qsize); void configCentralConn (uint16_t mtu_max, uint16_t event_len, uint8_t hvn_qsize, uint8_t wrcmd_qsize); void configPrphBandwidth (uint8_t bw); void configCentralBandwidth(uint8_t bw); bool begin(uint8_t prph_count = 1, uint8_t central_count = 0); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* General Functions *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ble_gap_addr_t getAddr(void); uint8_t getAddr(uint8_t mac[6]); bool setAddr(ble_gap_addr_t* gap_addr); void setName (const char* str); uint8_t getName (char* name, uint16_t bufsize); // Supported tx_power values depending on mcu: // - nRF52832: -40dBm, -20dBm, -16dBm, -12dBm, -8dBm, -4dBm, 0dBm, +3dBm and +4dBm. // - nRF52840: -40dBm, -20dBm, -16dBm, -12dBm, -8dBm, -4dBm, 0dBm, +2dBm, +3dBm, +4dBm, +5dBm, +6dBm, +7dBm and +8dBm. bool setTxPower (int8_t power); int8_t getTxPower (void); bool setAppearance (uint16_t appear); uint16_t getAppearance (void); void autoConnLed (bool enabled); void setConnLedInterval (uint32_t ms); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* GAP, Connections and Bonding *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint8_t connected (void); // Number of connected bool connected (uint16_t conn_hdl); uint8_t getConnectedHandles(uint16_t* hdl_list, uint8_t max_count); uint16_t connHandle (void); // Alias to BLEConnection API() bool disconnect (uint16_t conn_hdl); uint16_t getMaxMtu(uint8_t role); BLEConnection* Connection(uint16_t conn_hdl); #ifdef ANT_LICENSE_KEY /*------------------------------------------------------------------* * Optional semaphore for additional event handlers for SD event. * It can be used for handling non-BLE SD events *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void setMultiprotocolSemaphore(SemaphoreHandle_t mprot_event_semaphore) { _mprot_event_sem= mprot_event_semaphore; } #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Callbacks *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void setRssiCallback(rssi_cb_t fp); void setEventCallback(event_cb_t fp); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* INTERNAL USAGE ONLY * Although declare as public, it is meant to be invoked by internal * code. User should not call these directly *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void _startConnLed (void); void _stopConnLed (void); void _setConnLed (bool on_off); void printInfo(void); private: /*------------- SoftDevice Configuration -------------*/ struct { uint32_t attr_table_size; uint8_t service_changed; uint8_t uuid128_max; // Bandwidth configuration struct { uint16_t mtu_max; uint16_t event_len; uint8_t hvn_qsize; uint8_t wrcmd_qsize; }prph, central; }_sd_cfg; uint8_t _prph_count; uint8_t _central_count; int8_t _tx_power; ble_gap_sec_params_t _sec_param; SemaphoreHandle_t _ble_event_sem; SemaphoreHandle_t _soc_event_sem; #ifdef ANT_LICENSE_KEY /* Optional semaphore for additional event handlers for SD event. * It can be used for handling non-BLE SD events */ SemaphoreHandle_t _mprot_event_sem; #endif // Auto LED Blinky TimerHandle_t _led_blink_th; bool _led_conn; uint16_t _conn_hdl; BLEConnection* _connection[BLE_MAX_CONNECTION]; //------------- Callbacks -------------// rssi_cb_t _rssi_cb; event_cb_t _event_cb; /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* INTERNAL USAGE ONLY *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void _ble_handler(ble_evt_t* evt); friend void SD_EVT_IRQHandler(void); friend void adafruit_ble_task(void* arg); friend void adafruit_soc_task(void* arg); friend class BLECentral; }; extern AdafruitBluefruit Bluefruit; #endif
You can use the nRF Beacons application from Nordic Semiconductors to test this sketch:
Make sure that you set the UUID, Major and Minor values to match the sketch above, and then run the sketch at the same time as the nRF Beacons application.
With the default setup you should see a Mona Lisa icon when the beacon is detected. If you don't see this, double check the UUID, Major and Minor values to be sure they match exactly.
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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