Yes you can save and restore the calibration of the sensor, check out the restore_offsets example: ... ffsets.ino
One thing to keep in mind though is that the sensor isn't necessarily 'plug and play' with loading the calibration data, in particular the magnetometer needs to be recalibrated even if the offsets are loaded. The magnetometer calibration is very dynamic so saving the values once might not really help when they're reloaded and the EMF around the sensor has changed.
For further details check out the datasheet and Bosch's info on the sensor for calibration info: ... 1/bno055_4
You can customize how the axes are oriented (i.e. swap them around, etc.) but the Adafruit Arduino library doesn't expose it right now. Check out section 3.4 Axis Remap of the BNO055 datasheet for info on the registers to adjust its orientation: ... 000_12.pdf
Another thing to be aware of is that until the sensor calibrates it has a relative orientation output (i.e. orientation will be relative to where the sensor was when it powered on).
A system status value of '0' in NDOF mode means that the device has not yet found the 'north pole', and orientation values will be relative not absolute. Once calibration and setup is complete (system status > '0') the heading will jump to an absolute value since the BNO has found magnetic north (the system calibration status jumps to 1 or higher). See the Device Calibration page in this learning guide for further details.
The Euler angles coming out of the chip are based on 'automatic orientation detection', which has the drawback of not being continuous for all angles and situations.
According to Bosch BNO055 Euler angle output should only be used for eCompass, where pitch and roll stay below 45 degrees.
For absolute orientation, quaternions should always be used, and they can be converted to Euler angles at the last moment via the .toEuler() helper function in quaternion.h.
The BNO055 I2C implementation violates the I2C protocol in some circumstances. This causes it not to work well with certain chip families. It does not work well with Espressif ESP32, ESP32-S3, and NXP i.MX RT1011, and it does not work well with I2C multiplexers. Operation with SAMD51, RP2040, STM32F4, and nRF52840 is more reliable.
Depending on your system setup, you might need to adjust the pullups on the SCL and SDA lines to be a bit stronger. The BNO055 has very tight timing requirements on the I2C bus, requiring short setup and rise times on the signals. By default the breakout board has 10K pullups, which might be too weak on some setups. You can shorten the rise times and extend the setup time on the I2C lines with 'stronger' pullups. To do this simply add a 3.3K pullup on SCL and a 2.2K pullup on the SDA line with a breadboard or perma-proto board, which will override to weaker 10K pullups that are populated by default. See the image below for details:
Try to keep high frequency lines/wires away from the BNO055!
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