Fans of the BMP085/BMP180 will want to take a look at the new BMP183 - an SPI
spin on the old familiar classic. This precision sensor from Bosch is
the best low-cost sensing solution for measuring barometric pressure and
temperature. Because pressure changes with altitude you can also use it
as an altimeter!
The BMP183 is the next-generation of sensors from Bosch, and is the
fraternal twin of the BMP180 - with a low altitude noise of 0.25m and
the same fast conversion time. It has the same specifications, but uses
SPI instead of I2C. This is great for users where there is an I2C
address collision, they want more than one sensor on a single
microcontroller, more flexibility on pin usage, or just prefer the
simplicity of SPI.
The sensor is soldered onto a PCB and comes with a 3.3V regulator (so
you can use it with 3-5V power), SPI level shifter (so you can use it
with 3-5V logic).
Page last edited June 03, 2014
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