As new versions of the WiFi101 library come out, you may end up getting a complaint that the library and WINC1500 firmware are out of sync:
No problem - you can update the firmware through your Arduino/compatible! You must use a 1.8.x version of Arduino IDE. See the orange box below. Start by loading up the FirmwareUpdater sketch
If you are using a WiFi101 or WINC1500 shield, you do not have to add setPins()
Upload it to your board. Make sure the Serial console is not open before or after uploading.
Then select the Updater tool built into the IDE
Select the right COM port, and click Test Connection
If all is good you'll get a confirmation
Next, select the firmware - we of course recommend the latest version!
Once you feel ready - make sure the USB cable is connected solidly! Click Update Firmware
And a minute or two later...
Now you're ready to rock! Reload the Firmware Check sketch from before, this time you will see:
Page last edited July 15, 2024
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