The Arduino IDE version 1.0.x is an older version of the Arduino IDE and is provided for users who might require the older IDE for compatibility or other reasons. For most users the newer 1.6.x version is recommended!
Easy Installation
The easiest way to install the Arduino 1.0.x version IDE with support for Adafruit's boards is with the following preconfigured downloads. Just grab the right file for your platform and use it like the normal Arduino IDE. Adafruit's boards like Trinket, Pro Trinket, Gemma, and Flora are configured to show up in the board list automatically!
Once you've downloaded and installed the IDE follow the steps below for your platform to finish the installation:
Also check out the troubleshooting section for some advice on common errors. Have fun using Adafruit's boards!
Manual Installation
If you have your own version of the Arduino IDE or would like to install the Adafruit boards yourself then follow the steps below. However it is highly recommended that most users stick to the easy install downloads above!
Step 0. Install Arduino IDE
This tutorial will base the IDE off of v1.0.5. You can try later versions but v1.0.5 is at least guaranteed to work
Adding Adafruit board support does not affect any other boards that are installed so you can continue to use the IDE with any Arduino board currently supported.
Linux note: You can find instructions for manually modifying the Arduino IDE to support Trinket/Gemma/Flora in the README of the Trinket Arduino Linux github repository.
Unzip it and move the hardware folder from the zip file and place it into to your Arduino sketchbook folder. Your sketchbook folder is the folder where the Arduino IDE stores your sketches. This folder is automatically created by the IDE when you install it. If this is your first time using the Arduino IDE, it will be empty!
On Linux machines, the folder is named "Sketchbook" and it is typically located in/home/[username]
On Windows and Macintosh machines, the default name of the folder is "Arduino" and is located in your Documents folder.
Now you can start (or restart the the IDE) and check the Tools->Board menu, you should see the three new entries for Trinket and Gemma:
OK you are half done! Next is updating the avrdude configuration file.
Step 2. Updating avrdude.conf
The second step is to update the AVR chip program upload helper to be a little more patient with the ATtiny85 bootloader we have on the Trinket. We will update the description of the chip's erase cycle to be longer, to avoid timeouts and errors.
Windows users can download the new avrdude.conf by clicking this button:
Mac users should download this version and uncompress it
On Linux download this version of the file and rename it to just avrdude.conf:
Now we will hunt for the original avrdude.conf file. If you are using a Mac, right-click on the Arduino application icon and select “Show Package Contents” then navigate through the Contents & Java folders. On Windows you will have to find the installation directory, which may be a folder on the Desktop or possibly in C:\Program Files if you used the installer. Likewise in Linux it is where-ever you uncompressed the folder.
Now find the hardware\tools\avr\etc folder, and inside you should see the avrdude.conf file. You can also use your operating system's find tool to locate it.
Rename the old avrdude.conf to avrdude.bak and copy over the new avrdude.conf to the same folder
Be sure you rename the old file before replacing it with the new one so you are sure to make the swap!
Step 3. Update 'ld' linker
There's a bug in the 'linker' used by Arduino on Mac & Windows, where you can't make sketches that are larger than 4K on the Attiny85. Since its really likely you'll make sketches this large, we suggest replacing it. It's a lot like replacing the avrdude.conf
On Windows: explore the Arduino folder and get to the hardware\tools\avr\bin subfolder, you'll see a lot of files starting with avr-xxx.
On Mac: Explore the App and find Adafruit
Download the ld for your operating system and replace the one you have now (thanks to TCWorld for this fix!)
Now restart the Arduino IDE. If using Trinket or Gemma you are done with setup! Now follow the steps below for your platform to finish the installation:
However if you're using Flora, continue on to setup the IDE for Flora.
Flora Setup for Arduino 1.0.x
Find your boards.txt file its in the Arduino/hardware/arduino folder on Windows for version 1.0 IDE
On a Mac right click the application and select "Show Package Contents," then navigate to Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/Arduino) and add to the bottom: Flora flora8.upload.protocol=avr109 flora8.upload.maximum_size=28672 flora8.upload.speed=57600 flora8.upload.disable_flushing=true flora8.bootloader.low_fuses=0xff flora8.bootloader.high_fuses=0xd8 flora8.bootloader.extended_fuses=0xcb flora8.bootloader.path=caterina flora8.bootloader.file=Caterina-Flora8.hex flora8.bootloader.unlock_bits=0x3F flora8.bootloader.lock_bits=0x2F
- Place in arduino-1.0.5\drivers (Windows only):
- Add to hardware/arduino/variants/flora (windows) or hardware/arduino/avr/variants/flora (mac) (create folder):
- Add to hardware/arduino/bootloaders/caterina (windows) or hardware/arduino/avr/bootloaders/caterina (mac)
Edit hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/USBCore.cpp (windows) or hardware/arduino/avr/cores/arduino/USBCore.cpp (mac)
#elif USB_PID == 0x9208 'L','i','l','y','P','a','d','U','S','B',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '
Add right below it
#elif USB_PID == 0x8004 'A','d','a','f','r','u','i','t',' ','F','l','o','r','a',' ',' '
Then find
#elif USB_VID == 0x1b4f 'S','p','a','r','k','F','u','n',' ',' ',' '
Add right below it
#elif USB_VID == 0x239A 'A','d','a','f','r','u','i','t',' ',' ',' '
That's it, you're ready to start using Flora with Arduino 1.0.x! One last thing is to follow the steps here for your platform to finish the intall:
Also check out the troubleshooting section for some advice on common errors. Have fun using Adafruit's boards!
Page last edited April 01, 2015
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