The hardware setup for the UART-RVC mode should probably be called easyware because of how simple it is. Three wires and a solder jumper (or and additional jumper wire) and you're off to the autonomous vacuum cleaner races.
To allow your device to listen to the heading and acceleration data being output by the BNO085 requires just a few connections. It's similar to the connections for the UART mode, but because there is no software configuration of the BNO085 required, you only need to connect your device's RX pin and pull the P0 pin high. The TX pin on your device can be left unattached
Here we show the Wiring for a Feather M4 for CircuitPython, and a Raspberry Pi for Python:
- Feather 3V to BNO085 Vin (Red Wire).
- Device GND to BNO085 GND (Black Wire)
- Device RX to BNO085 SDA (Blue Wire)
- Feather 3V to BNO085 P0 (Purple Wire).
- RPi 3V to BNO085 Vin (Red Wire).
- RPi GND to BNO085 GND (Black Wire)
- RPi RX to BNO085 SDA (Blue Wire)
- RPi 3V to BNO085 P0 (Purple Wire)
CircuitPython Installation of BNO08x_RVC Library
You'll need to install the Adafruit CircuitPython BNO08x RVC library on your CircuitPython board.
Follow the instructions on the Python & CircuitPython page for installing CircuitPython and downloading the library bundle
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has the adafruit_BNO08x_RVC.mpy file copied over.
Python Installation of BNO08x RVC Library
Follow the instructions on the Python & CircuitPython page to set up your Raspberry Pi or other SBC and once that's done, from your command line run the following command:
- sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-bno08x-rvc
If your default Python is version 3 you may need to run 'pip' instead. Just make sure you aren't trying to use CircuitPython on Python 2.x, it isn't supported!
CircuitPython & Python Usage
he following code will walk you through a basic test of the UART RVC mode in the Python REPL
To demonstrate the usage of the sensor setup a UART connection and then we'll initialize the sensor and read the heading and acceleration information from within the board's REPL.
For CircuitPython connect to the board's serial REPL so you are at the CircuitPython >>> prompt. For Python, just type `python` or `python3` to enter the REPL
UART Initialization - CircuitPython
If you are using the UART connection with a board (like a Feather) running CircuitPython, create your uart object as follows:
import board import busio from adafruit_bno08x_rvc import BNO08x_RVC uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX, baudrate=115200, receiver_buffer_size=2048)
UART Initialization - Python
Check how you specific board supports UART and where the port entry is created and named. For the Raspberry Pi, this is done using the pyserial
module and the UART used is /dev/serial0
. Then you create your sensor object as follows:
import serial uart = serial.Serial("/dev/serial0", 115200)
BNO08x_RVC creation and usage
Now you're ready to create a BNO8x_RVC
instance with your UART object and use it to read the heading and acceleration value using the heading
from adafruit_bno08x_rvc import BNO08x_RVC rvc = BNO08x_RVC(uart) yaw, pitch, roll, x_accel, y_accel, z_accel = rvc.heading print("Yaw: %2.2f Pitch: %2.2f Roll: %2.2f Degrees" % (yaw, pitch, roll)) print("Acceleration X: %2.2f Y: %2.2f Z: %2.2f m/s^2" % (x_accel, y_accel, z_accel))
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Bryan Siepert, written for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense import time import board import busio uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX, baudrate=115200, receiver_buffer_size=2048) # uncomment and comment out the above for use with Raspberry Pi # import serial # uart = serial.Serial("/dev/serial0", 115200) # for a USB Serial cable: # import serial # uart = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200) from adafruit_bno08x_rvc import BNO08x_RVC # pylint:disable=wrong-import-position rvc = BNO08x_RVC(uart) while True: yaw, pitch, roll, x_accel, y_accel, z_accel = rvc.heading print("Yaw: %2.2f Pitch: %2.2f Roll: %2.2f Degrees" % (yaw, pitch, roll)) print("Acceleration X: %2.2f Y: %2.2f Z: %2.2f m/s^2" % (x_accel, y_accel, z_accel)) print("") time.sleep(0.1)
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