The board comes with all surface-mount parts pre-soldered. For breadboard use, the included header-strip should be soldered on:Prepare the header strip
Cut the supplied header strip to length and insert it long-pins-down in your breadboard to hold it for soldering.Wiring:
First connect VDD and GND. These boards will work with either a 3.3v or a 5v supply. The diagram below shows connection to the Arduino 5v pin.
The absolute maximum analog input voltage is VDD + 0.3v. To avoid damage to the chip, do not attempt to measure voltages greater than VDD.
I2C Connections
I2C requires just 2 pins to communicate. These can be shared with other I2C devices. For R3 and later Arduinos (including MEGA and DUE models), connect SDA->SDA and SCL->SCL.I2C "Classic"
For older Arduino boards without dedicated SDA and SCL pins, connect as shown below. (For older Arduino Megas, SDA and SCL are on pins 20 and 21)I2C Addressing
The ADS11x5 chips have a base 7-bit I2C address of 0x48 (1001000) and a clever addressing scheme that allows four different addresses using just one address pin (named ADR for ADdRess). To program the address, connect the address pin as follows:
The following diagram shows one board addressed as 0x48:
Multiple Boards
By assigning each board a different address, up to 4 boards can be connected as below:Page last edited March 08, 2024
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