While wiring to a non-Feather board is not recommended, it is still possible. This page will show you how to do that. At a minimum, you must connect the RST pin in addition to 3V, GND, SCL and SDA, so using just a Stemma QT cable by itself is not possible. This page will show you how to wire the OLED FeatherWing up to a Metro M4 using just wires as well as the Metro ESP32-S2, which has a built-in STEMMA QT Port. Other boards may vary a bit.
Minimal Wiring Example
To get the 128x64 OLED FeatherWing working with minimal wiring, wire it up exactly as shown below. Here's an example of wiring a Metro ESP32-S2 to the FeatherWing with I2C using one of the handy STEMMA QT connectors and only 1 additional wire:
If you'd like to wire the board more fully and not use the STEMMA QT, here's an example of wiring a Metro M4 to the FeatherWing:
- Board 3V to FeatherWing 3V (red wire)
- Board GND to FeatherWing GND (black wire)
- Board SCL to FeatherWing SCL (yellow wire)
- Board SDA to FeatherWing SDA (blue wire)
- Board RST to FeatherWing Reset (white wire)
You can also use a STEMMA QT adapter with male headers and wire it up with a combination of the 2 boards to replace one side of the 3V, GND, SCL, and SDA lines, but the reset wire will still need to be connected.
Full Wiring Example
If you would also like to use the buttons on the FeatherWing, here are some examples to add those. These wiring examples use pins 5, 6, and 9 like the Feather M4, but feel free to wire them to different GPIOs if it suits your needs better.
Here's the STEMMA QT example above, but with 3 additional wires for the buttons:
- Board STEMMA QT to FeatherWing STEMMA QT
- Board RST to FeatherWing Reset (white wire)
- Board GPIO 9 to FeatherWing Button A (purple wire)
- Board GPIO 6 to FeatherWing Button B (green wire)
- Board GPIO 5 to FeatherWing Button C (orange wire)
Here's the fully wired Metro M4 example above, but with 3 additional wires for the buttons:
- Board 3V to FeatherWing 3V (red wire)
- Board GND to FeatherWing GND (black wire)
- Board SCL to FeatherWing SCL (yellow wire)
- Board SDA to FeatherWing SDA (blue wire)
- Board RST to FeatherWing Reset (white wire)
- Board GPIO 9 to FeatherWing Button A (purple wire)
- Board GPIO 6 to FeatherWing Button B (green wire)
- Board GPIO 5 to FeatherWing Button C (orange wire)
With these wiring examples, you should be able to run example code in other sections. Depending on your exact wiring, the examples may require some minimal changes.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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