There are two ways you can use the 1.3" 240x240 display.
The hard way is to install a kernel module to add support for the TFT display from the operating system. This is cute because you can have any program print text or draw to the framebuffer (or, say, with pygame) and Linux will take care of displaying it for you.
The easy way is to use Python and the Pillow library to draw to the display from within Python. This is great for showing text, stats, images etc that you design yourself. If you want to do that, skip the Kernel Module Install and go to Python Setup.
Be aware that you can only choose to do one way at a time. If you choose the hard way, it will install the kernel module, which will prevent you from doing it the easy way without uninstalling the driver first.
Page last edited December 04, 2024
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