Arduino IDE Preparation
To prepare the Arduino environment for programming the Pro Trinket, follow the instructions on Tony DiCola's guide to setting up the IDE for the Pro Trinket here:
Required Libraries
For this project, the LED matrix backpack, animations, and tone libraries need to be installed. Find them below.
If using an earlier version of the Arduino IDE (prior to 1.8.10), also locate and install Adafruit_BusIO (newer versions will install this dependency automatically through the Arduino Library Manager).
Adafriend Software
When you have finished readying the IDE, copy and paste the code below into your IDE window, select Pro Trinet 5V, tinyISP as the programmer, and upload!
// The Adafriend sketch is derived from P. Burgess's 'roboface' example sketch for Adafruit I2C 8x8 LED backpacks: // // // // // // // Requires Adafruit_LEDBackpack and Adafruit_GFX libraries. // For a simpler introduction, see the 'matrix8x8' example. // // Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, // please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing // products from Adafruit! // // Eye algorithm written by P. Burgess for Adafruit Industries. // Code/Guide written by John Wall for Adafruit Industries. // BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution. // Arduino Flappy Bird homage by [email protected] #include <Arduino.h> #include <Wire.h> #include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h" #include "Adafruit_GFX.h" #include <Tone.h> Adafruit_8x8matrix matrix = Adafruit_8x8matrix(); static const uint8_t PROGMEM// Bitmaps are stored in program memory sadBlinkImg[][8] = { // Eye animation frames { B00100100, // Fully open sad eye B01000010, B10000001, B00111100, B01111110, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111 } , { B00100100, B01000010, B10000001, B00000000, B01111110, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111 } , { B00100100, B01000010, B10000001, B00000000, B00000000, B01111110, B11111111, B11111111 } , { B00100100, B01000010, B10000001, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B01111110, B11111111 } , { B00100100, // Fully closed sad eye B01000010, B10000001, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B11111111 } }; static const uint8_t PROGMEM// Bitmaps are stored in program memory blinkImg[][8] = { // Eye animation frames { B00111100, // Fully open eye B01111110, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B01111110, B00111100 } , { B00000000, B01111110, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B01111110, B00111100 } , { B00000000, B00000000, B00111100, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B00111100, B00000000 } , { B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00111100, B11111111, B01111110, B00011000, B00000000 } , { B00000000, // Fully closed eye B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B10000001, B01111110, B00000000, B00000000 } }; static const uint8_t PROGMEM// Bitmaps are stored in program memory happyBlinkImg[][8] = { // Eye animation frames { B00111100, // Fully open happy eye B01111110, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B00000000, B10000001, B01111110 } , { B00000000, B01111110, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B00000000, B10000001, B01111110 } , { B00000000, B00000000, B01111110, B11111111, B11111111, B00000000, B10000001, B01111110 } , { B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B01111110, B11111111, B00000000, B10000001, B01111110 } , { B00000000, // Fully closed happy eye B00000000, B00000000, B01111110, B10000001, B00000000, B10000001, B01111110 } }; static const uint8_t PROGMEM // Bitmaps are stored in program memory annoyedBlinkImg[][8] = { // Eye animation frames { B10000001, // Fully open annoyed eye B01100110, B00000000, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B01111110, B00111100 } , { B10000001, B01100110, B00000000, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B01111110, B00000000 } , { B10000001, B01100110, B00000000, B11111111, B11111111, B01111110, B00000000, B00000000 } , { B10000001, B01100110, B00000000, B11111111, B01111110, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000 } , { B10000001, // Fully closed annoyed eye B01100110, B00000000, B10000001, B01111110, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000 } }; uint8_t blinkIndex[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 }, // Blink bitmap sequence blinkCountdown = 100, // Countdown to next blink (in frames) gazeCountdown = 75, // Countdown to next eye movement gazeFrames = 50; // Duration of eye movement (smaller = faster) int8_t eyeX = 3, eyeY = 3, // Current eye position newX = 3, newY = 3, // Next eye position dX = 0, dY = 0; // Distance from prior to new position Tone tone1; #define OCTAVE_OFFSET 0 const int notes[] = { 0, NOTE_C4, NOTE_CS4, NOTE_D4, NOTE_DS4, NOTE_E4, NOTE_F4, NOTE_FS4, NOTE_G4, NOTE_GS4, NOTE_A4, NOTE_AS4, NOTE_B4, //scale of notes and their frequencies NOTE_C5, NOTE_CS5, NOTE_D5, NOTE_DS5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_F5, NOTE_FS5, NOTE_G5, NOTE_GS5, NOTE_A5, NOTE_AS5, NOTE_B5, NOTE_C6, NOTE_CS6, NOTE_D6, NOTE_DS6, NOTE_E6, NOTE_F6, NOTE_FS6, NOTE_G6, NOTE_GS6, NOTE_A6, NOTE_AS6, NOTE_B6, NOTE_C7, NOTE_CS7, NOTE_D7, NOTE_DS7, NOTE_E7, NOTE_F7, NOTE_FS7, NOTE_G7, NOTE_GS7, NOTE_A7, NOTE_AS7, NOTE_B7 }; const char *songs[] = { // A selection of songs that the Adafriend will sing when happy. Watch for memory limits! These 7 are tested and working. "Mario:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6,32p,8e6,16c6,8e6,8g6,8p,8g,8p,8c6,16p,8g,16p,8e,16p,8a,8b,16a#,8a,16g.,16e6,16g6,8a6,16f6,8g6,8e6,16c6,16d6,8b,16p,8c6,16p,8g,16p,8e,16p,8a,8b,16a#,8a,16g.,16e6,16g6,8a6,16f6,8g6,8e6,16c6,16d6,8b", "Indiana Jones:d=4,o=5,b=250:e,8p,8f,8g,8p,1c6,8p.,d,8p,8e,1f,p.,g,8p,8a,8b,8p,1f6,p,a,8p,8b,2c6,2d6,2e6,e,8p,8f,8g,8p,1c6,p,d6,8p,8e6,1f.6,g,8p,8g,e.6,8p,d6,8p,8g,e.6,8p,d6,8p,8g,f.6,8p,e6,8p,8d6,2c6", "Take On Me:d=4,o=4,b=160:8f#5,8f#5,8f#5,8d5,8p,8b,8p,8e5,8p,8e5,8p,8e5,8g#5,8g#5,8a5,8b5,8a5,8a5,8a5,8e5,8p,8d5,8p,8f#5,8p,8f#5,8p,8f#5,8e5,8e5,8f#5,8e5,8f#5,8f#5,8f#5,8d5,8p,8b,8p,8e5,8p,8e5,8p,8e5,8g#5,8g#5,8a5,8b5,8a5,8a5,8a5,8e5,8p,8d5,8p,8f#5,8p,8f#5,8p,8f#5,8e5,8e5", "Tetris:d=4,o=5,b=150:e6,8b,8c6,8d6,16e6,16d6,8c6,8b,a,8a,8c6,e6,8d6,8c6,b,8b,8c6,d6,e6,c6,a,2a,8p,d6,8f6,a6,8g6,8f6,e6,8e6,8c6,e6,8d6,8c6,b,8b,8c6,d6,e6,c6,a,a", "Jeopardy:d=4,o=6,b=125:c,f,c,f5,c,f,2c,c,f,c,f,a.,8g,8f,8e,8d,8c#,c,f,c,f5,c,f,2c,f.,8d,c,a#5,a5,g5,f5", "Mahna Mahna:d=16,o=6,b=125:c#,c.,b5,8a#.5,8f.,4g#,a#,g.,4d#,8p,c#,c.,b5,8a#.5,8f.,g#.,8a#.,4g,8p,c#,c.,b5,8a#.5,8f.,4g#,f,g.,8d#.,f,g.,8d#.,f,8g,8d#.,f,8g,d#,8c,a#5,8d#.,8d#.,4d#,8d#.", "The Simpsons:d=4,o=5,b=160:c.6,e6,f#6,8a6,g.6,e6,c6,8a,8f#,8f#,8f#,2g,8p,8p,8f#,8f#,8f#,8g,a#.,8c6,8c6,8c6,c6" }; //char *song = "The Simpsons:d=4,o=5,b=160:c.6,e6,f#6,8a6,g.6,e6,c6,8a,8f#,8f#,8f#,2g,8p,8p,8f#,8f#,8f#,8g,a#.,8c6,8c6,8c6,c6"; //char *song = "Indiana:d=4,o=5,b=250:e,8p,8f,8g,8p,1c6,8p.,d,8p,8e,1f,p.,g,8p,8a,8b,8p,1f6,p,a,8p,8b,2c6,2d6,2e6,e,8p,8f,8g,8p,1c6,p,d6,8p,8e6,1f.6,g,8p,8g,e.6,8p,d6,8p,8g,e.6,8p,d6,8p,8g,f.6,8p,e6,8p,8d6,2c6"; //char *song = "TakeOnMe:d=4,o=4,b=160:8f#5,8f#5,8f#5,8d5,8p,8b,8p,8e5,8p,8e5,8p,8e5,8g#5,8g#5,8a5,8b5,8a5,8a5,8a5,8e5,8p,8d5,8p,8f#5,8p,8f#5,8p,8f#5,8e5,8e5,8f#5,8e5,8f#5,8f#5,8f#5,8d5,8p,8b,8p,8e5,8p,8e5,8p,8e5,8g#5,8g#5,8a5,8b5,8a5,8a5,8a5,8e5,8p,8d5,8p,8f#5,8p,8f#5,8p,8f#5,8e5,8e5"; //char *song = "Entertainer:d=4,o=5,b=140:8d,8d#,8e,c6,8e,c6,8e,2c.6,8c6,8d6,8d#6,8e6,8c6,8d6,e6,8b,d6,2c6,p,8d,8d#,8e,c6,8e,c6,8e,2c.6,8p,8a,8g,8f#,8a,8c6,e6,8d6,8c6,8a,2d6"; //char *song = "Muppets:d=4,o=5,b=250:c6,c6,a,b,8a,b,g,p,c6,c6,a,8b,8a,8p,g.,p,e,e,g,f,8e,f,8c6,8c,8d,e,8e,8e,8p,8e,g,2p,c6,c6,a,b,8a,b,g,p,c6,c6,a,8b,a,g.,p,e,e,g,f,8e,f,8c6,8c,8d,e,8e,d,8d,c"; //char *song = "Xfiles:d=4,o=5,b=125:e,b,a,b,d6,2b.,1p,e,b,a,b,e6,2b.,1p,g6,f#6,e6,d6,e6,2b.,1p,g6,f#6,e6,d6,f#6,2b.,1p,e,b,a,b,d6,2b.,1p,e,b,a,b,e6,2b.,1p,e6,2b."; //char *song = "Looney:d=4,o=5,b=140:32p,c6,8f6,8e6,8d6,8c6,a.,8c6,8f6,8e6,8d6,8d#6,e.6,8e6,8e6,8c6,8d6,8c6,8e6,8c6,8d6,8a,8c6,8g,8a#,8a,8f"; //char *song = "20thCenFox:d=16,o=5,b=140:b,8p,b,b,2b,p,c6,32p,b,32p,c6,32p,b,32p,c6,32p,b,8p,b,b,b,32p,b,32p,b,32p,b,32p,b,32p,b,32p,b,32p,g#,32p,a,32p,b,8p,b,b,2b,4p,8e,8g#,8b,1c#6,8f#,8a,8c#6,1e6,8a,8c#6,8e6,1e6,8b,8g#,8a,2b"; //char *song = "Bond:d=4,o=5,b=80:32p,16c#6,32d#6,32d#6,16d#6,8d#6,16c#6,16c#6,16c#6,16c#6,32e6,32e6,16e6,8e6,16d#6,16d#6,16d#6,16c#6,32d#6,32d#6,16d#6,8d#6,16c#6,16c#6,16c#6,16c#6,32e6,32e6,16e6,8e6,16d#6,16d6,16c#6,16c#7,c.7,16g#6,16f#6,g#.6"; //char *song = "MASH:d=8,o=5,b=140:4a,4g,f#,g,p,f#,p,g,p,f#,p,2e.,p,f#,e,4f#,e,f#,p,e,p,4d.,p,f#,4e,d,e,p,d,p,e,p,d,p,2c#.,p,d,c#,4d,c#,d,p,e,p,4f#,p,a,p,4b,a,b,p,a,p,b,p,2a.,4p,a,b,a,4b,a,b,p,2a.,a,4f#,a,b,p,d6,p,4e.6,d6,b,p,a,p,2b"; //char *song = "StarWars:d=4,o=5,b=45:32p,32f#,32f#,32f#,8b.,8f#.6,32e6,32d#6,32c#6,8b.6,16f#.6,32e6,32d#6,32c#6,8b.6,16f#.6,32e6,32d#6,32e6,8c#.6,32f#,32f#,32f#,8b.,8f#.6,32e6,32d#6,32c#6,8b.6,16f#.6,32e6,32d#6,32c#6,8b.6,16f#.6,32e6,32d#6,32e6,8c#6"; //char *song = "GoodBad:d=4,o=5,b=56:32p,32a#,32d#6,32a#,32d#6,8a#.,16f#.,16g#.,d#,32a#,32d#6,32a#,32d#6,8a#.,16f#.,16g#.,c#6,32a#,32d#6,32a#,32d#6,8a#.,16f#.,32f.,32d#.,c#,32a#,32d#6,32a#,32d#6,8a#.,16g#.,d#"; //char *song = "TopGun:d=4,o=4,b=31:32p,16c#,16g#,16g#,32f#,32f,32f#,32f,16d#,16d#,32c#,32d#,16f,32d#,32f,16f#,32f,32c#,16f,d#,16c#,16g#,16g#,32f#,32f,32f#,32f,16d#,16d#,32c#,32d#,16f,32d#,32f,16f#,32f,32c#,g#"; //char *song = "A-Team:d=8,o=5,b=125:4d#6,a#,2d#6,16p,g#,4a#,4d#.,p,16g,16a#,d#6,a#,f6,2d#6,16p,c#.6,16c6,16a#,g#.,2a#"; //char *song = "Flinstones:d=4,o=5,b=40:32p,16f6,16a#,16a#6,32g6,16f6,16a#.,16f6,32d#6,32d6,32d6,32d#6,32f6,16a#,16c6,d6,16f6,16a#.,16a#6,32g6,16f6,16a#.,32f6,32f6,32d#6,32d6,32d6,32d#6,32f6,16a#,16c6,a#,16a6,16d.6,16a#6,32a6,32a6,32g6,32f#6,32a6,8g6,16g6,16c.6,32a6,32a6,32g6,32g6,32f6,32e6,32g6,8f6,16f6,16a#.,16a#6,32g6,16f6,16a#.,16f6,32d#6,32d6,32d6,32d#6,32f6,16a#,16c.6,32d6,32d#6,32f6,16a#,16c.6,32d6,32d#6,32f6,16a#6,16c7,8a#.6"; //char *song = "Jeopardy:d=4,o=6,b=125:c,f,c,f5,c,f,2c,c,f,c,f,a.,8g,8f,8e,8d,8c#,c,f,c,f5,c,f,2c,f.,8d,c,a#5,a5,g5,f5,p,d#,g#,d#,g#5,d#,g#,2d#,d#,g#,d#,g#,c.7,8a#,8g#,8g,8f,8e,d#,g#,d#,g#5,d#,g#,2d#,g#.,8f,d#,c#,c,p,a#5,p,g#.5,d#,g#"; //char *song = "Gadget:d=16,o=5,b=50:32d#,32f,32f#,32g#,a#,f#,a,f,g#,f#,32d#,32f,32f#,32g#,a#,d#6,4d6,32d#,32f,32f#,32g#,a#,f#,a,f,g#,f#,8d#"; //char *song = "Smurfs:d=32,o=5,b=200:4c#6,16p,4f#6,p,16c#6,p,8d#6,p,8b,p,4g#,16p,4c#6,p,16a#,p,8f#,p,8a#,p,4g#,4p,g#,p,a#,p,b,p,c6,p,4c#6,16p,4f#6,p,16c#6,p,8d#6,p,8b,p,4g#,16p,4c#6,p,16a#,p,8b,p,8f,p,4f#"; //char *song = "MahnaMahna:d=16,o=6,b=125:c#,c.,b5,8a#.5,8f.,4g#,a#,g.,4d#,8p,c#,c.,b5,8a#.5,8f.,g#.,8a#.,4g,8p,c#,c.,b5,8a#.5,8f.,4g#,f,g.,8d#.,f,g.,8d#.,f,8g,8d#.,f,8g,d#,8c,a#5,8d#.,8d#.,4d#,8d#."; //char *song = "LeisureSuit:d=16,o=6,b=56:f.5,f#.5,g.5,g#5,32a#5,f5,g#.5,a#.5,32f5,g#5,32a#5,g#5,8c#.,a#5,32c#,a5,a#.5,c#.,32a5,a#5,32c#,d#,8e,c#.,f.,f.,f.,f.,f,32e,d#,8d,a#.5,e,32f,e,32f,c#,d#.,c#"; //char *song = "MissionImp:d=16,o=6,b=95:32d,32d#,32d,32d#,32d,32d#,32d,32d#,32d,32d,32d#,32e,32f,32f#,32g,g,8p,g,8p,a#,p,c7,p,g,8p,g,8p,f,p,f#,p,g,8p,g,8p,a#,p,c7,p,g,8p,g,8p,f,p,f#,p,a#,g,2d,32p,a#,g,2c#,32p,a#,g,2c,a#5,8c,2p,32p,a#5,g5,2f#,32p,a#5,g5,2f,32p,a#5,g5,2e,d#,8d"; //char *song = "Mario:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6,32p,8e6,16c6,8e6,8g6,8p,8g,8p,8c6,16p,8g,16p,8e,16p,8a,8b,16a#,8a,16g.,16e6,16g6,8a6,16f6,8g6,8e6,16c6,16d6,8b,16p,8c6,16p,8g,16p,8e,16p,8a,8b,16a#,8a,16g.,16e6,16g6,8a6,16f6,8g6,8e6,16c6,16d6,8b,8p,16g6,16f#6,16f6,16d#6,16p,16e6,16p,16g#,16a,16c6,16p,16a,16c6,16d6,8p,16g6,16f#6,16f6,16d#6,16p,16e6,16p,16c7,16p,16c7,16c7,p,16g6,16f#6,16f6,16d#6,16p,16e6,16p,16g#,16a,16c6,16p,16a,16c6,16d6,8p,16d#6,8p,16d6,8p,16c6"; //char *song = "tetris:d=4,o=5,b=150:e6,8b,8c6,8d6,16e6,16d6,8c6,8b,a,8a,8c6,e6,8d6,8c6,b,8b,8c6,d6,e6,c6,a,2a,8p,d6,8f6,a6,8g6,8f6,e6,8e6,8c6,e6,8d6,8c6,b,8b,8c6,d6,e6,c6,a,a"; int tapNum = 15; // logged number of taps byte mood = 1; // current mood const byte vibration PROGMEM = A0; // vibration sensor const int tapLevel PROGMEM = 512; long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated // the follow variables is a long because the time, measured in miliseconds, // will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int. const int decay PROGMEM = 30000; // interval at which to decay emotions unsigned long checkMillis, tapMillis, songMillis, currentMillis, gameMillis; void setup() { // Seed random number generator from an unused analog input: randomSeed(analogRead(A7)); pinMode(vibration, INPUT_PULLUP); matrix.begin(0x70); matrix.setRotation(3); matrix.setBrightness(4); matrix.setTextSize(1); matrix.setTextWrap(false); matrix.setTextColor(LED_ON); matrix.clear(); matrix.writeDisplay(); tone1.begin(10); } void loop() { while(mood==0) // sad mood { // Draw eyeball in current state of blinkyness (no pupil). matrix.clear(); // When counting down to the next blink, show the eye in the fully- // open state. On the last few counts (during the blink), look up // the corresponding bitmap index. matrix.drawBitmap(0, 0, sadBlinkImg[ (blinkCountdown < sizeof(blinkIndex)) ? // Currently blinking? blinkIndex[blinkCountdown] : // Yes, look up bitmap # 0 // No, show bitmap 0 ], 8, 8, LED_ON); // Decrement blink counter. At end, set random time for next blink. if(--blinkCountdown == 0) blinkCountdown = random(5, 180); // Add a pupil (2x2 black square) atop the blinky eyeball bitmap. // Periodically, the pupil moves to a new position... if(--gazeCountdown <= gazeFrames) { // Eyes are in motion - draw pupil at interim position matrix.fillRect( newX - (dX * gazeCountdown / gazeFrames), newY - (dY * gazeCountdown / gazeFrames), 2, 2, LED_OFF); if(gazeCountdown == 0) { // Last frame? eyeX = newX; eyeY = newY; // Yes. What's new is old, then... do { // Pick random positions until one is within the eye circle newX = random(0,7); newY = random(5,7); dX = newX-3; dY = newY-3; } while((dX * dX + dY * dY) >= 10); // Thank you Pythagoras dX = newX - eyeX; // Horizontal distance to move dY = newY - eyeY; // Vertical distance to move gazeFrames = random(3, 15); // Duration of eye movement gazeCountdown = random(gazeFrames, 120); // Count to end of next movement } } else { // Not in motion yet -- draw pupil at current static position matrix.fillRect(eyeX, eyeY, 2, 2, LED_OFF); } // Refresh all of the matrices in one quick pass matrix.writeDisplay(); if(millis()-checkMillis > random(10000,30000)) { sadNoise(); checkMillis = millis(); } tapMillis = millis(); while(millis()-tapMillis < 40) { checkTaps(); } songMillis = millis(); } while(mood==1) // neutral mood { // Draw eyeball in current state of blinkyness (no pupil). matrix.clear(); // When counting down to the next blink, show the eye in the fully- // open state. On the last few counts (during the blink), look up // the corresponding bitmap index. matrix.drawBitmap(0, 0, blinkImg[ (blinkCountdown < sizeof(blinkIndex)) ? // Currently blinking? blinkIndex[blinkCountdown] : // Yes, look up bitmap # 0 // No, show bitmap 0 ], 8, 8, LED_ON); // Decrement blink counter. At end, set random time for next blink. if(--blinkCountdown == 0) blinkCountdown = random(5, 180); // Add a pupil (2x2 black square) atop the blinky eyeball bitmap. // Periodically, the pupil moves to a new position... if(--gazeCountdown <= gazeFrames) { // Eyes are in motion - draw pupil at interim position matrix.fillRect( newX - (dX * gazeCountdown / gazeFrames), newY - (dY * gazeCountdown / gazeFrames), 2, 2, LED_OFF); if(gazeCountdown == 0) { // Last frame? eyeX = newX; eyeY = newY; // Yes. What's new is old, then... do { // Pick random positions until one is within the eye circle newX = random(7); newY = random(7); dX = newX - 3; dY = newY - 3; } while((dX * dX + dY * dY) >= 10); // Thank you Pythagoras dX = newX - eyeX; // Horizontal distance to move dY = newY - eyeY; // Vertical distance to move gazeFrames = random(3, 15); // Duration of eye movement gazeCountdown = random(gazeFrames, 120); // Count to end of next movement } } else { // Not in motion yet -- draw pupil at current static position matrix.fillRect(eyeX, eyeY, 2, 2, LED_OFF); } // Refresh all of the matrices in one quick pass matrix.writeDisplay(); if(millis()-checkMillis > random(10000,30000)) { neutralNoise(); checkMillis = millis(); } tapMillis = millis(); while(millis()-tapMillis < 40) { checkTaps(); } songMillis = millis(); } while(mood == 2) // happy mood { // Draw eyeball in current state of blinkyness (no pupil). matrix.clear(); // When counting down to the next blink, show the eye in the fully- // open state. On the last few counts (during the blink), look up // the corresponding bitmap index. matrix.drawBitmap(0, 0, happyBlinkImg[ (blinkCountdown < sizeof(blinkIndex)) ? // Currently blinking? blinkIndex[blinkCountdown] : // Yes, look up bitmap # 0 // No, show bitmap 0 ], 8, 8, LED_ON); // Decrement blink counter. At end, set random time for next blink. if(--blinkCountdown == 0) blinkCountdown = random(5, 180); // Add a pupil (2x2 black square) atop the blinky eyeball bitmap. // Periodically, the pupil moves to a new position... if(--gazeCountdown <= gazeFrames) { // Eyes are in motion - draw pupil at interim position matrix.fillRect( newX - (dX * gazeCountdown / gazeFrames), newY - (dY * gazeCountdown / gazeFrames), 2, 2, LED_OFF); if(gazeCountdown == 0) { // Last frame? eyeX = newX; eyeY = newY; // Yes. What's new is old, then... do { // Pick random positions until one is within the eye circle newX = random(7); newY = random(4); dX = newX - 3; dY = newY - 3; } while((dX * dX + dY * dY) >= 10); // Thank you Pythagoras dX = newX - eyeX; // Horizontal distance to move dY = newY - eyeY; // Vertical distance to move gazeFrames = random(3, 15); // Duration of eye movement gazeCountdown = random(gazeFrames, 120); // Count to end of next movement } } else { // Not in motion yet -- draw pupil at current static position matrix.fillRect(eyeX, eyeY, 2, 2, LED_OFF); } // Refresh all of the matrices in one quick pass matrix.writeDisplay(); if(millis()-checkMillis > random(10000,30000)) { happyNoise(); checkMillis = millis(); } tapMillis = millis(); while(millis()-tapMillis < 40) { checkTaps(); } } while(mood==3) // annoyed mood { // Draw eyeball in current state of blinkyness (no pupil). matrix.clear(); // When counting down to the next blink, show the eye in the fully- // open state. On the last few counts (during the blink), look up // the corresponding bitmap index. matrix.drawBitmap(0, 0, annoyedBlinkImg[ (blinkCountdown < sizeof(blinkIndex)) ? // Currently blinking? blinkIndex[blinkCountdown] : // Yes, look up bitmap # 0 // No, show bitmap 0 ], 8, 8, LED_ON); // Decrement blink counter. At end, set random time for next blink. if(--blinkCountdown == 0) blinkCountdown = random(5, 180); // Add a pupil (2x2 black square) atop the blinky eyeball bitmap. // Periodically, the pupil moves to a new position... if(--gazeCountdown <= gazeFrames) { // Eyes are in motion - draw pupil at interim position matrix.fillRect( newX - (dX * gazeCountdown / gazeFrames), newY - (dY * gazeCountdown / gazeFrames), 2, 2, LED_OFF); if(gazeCountdown == 0) { // Last frame? eyeX = newX; eyeY = newY; // Yes. What's new is old, then... do { // Pick random positions until one is within the eye circle newX = random(7); newY = random(3,7); dX = newX - 3; dY = newY - 3; } while((dX * dX + dY * dY) >= 10); // Thank you Pythagoras dX = newX - eyeX; // Horizontal distance to move dY = newY - eyeY; // Vertical distance to move gazeFrames = random(3, 15); // Duration of eye movement gazeCountdown = random(gazeFrames, 120); // Count to end of next movement } } else { // Not in motion yet -- draw pupil at current static position matrix.fillRect(eyeX, eyeY, 2, 2, LED_OFF); } // Refresh all of the matrices in one quick pass matrix.writeDisplay(); if(millis()-checkMillis > random(10000,30000)) { angryNoise(); checkMillis = millis(); } tapMillis = millis(); while(millis()-tapMillis < 40) { checkTaps(); } } } #define isdigit(n) (n >= '0' && n <= '9') void play_rtttl(const char *p) // the method to play a song { // Absolutely no error checking in here byte default_dur = 4; byte default_oct = 6; int bpm = 63; int num; long wholenote; long duration; byte note; byte scale; // format: d=N,o=N,b=NNN: // find the start (skip name, etc) while(*p != ':') p++; // ignore name p++; // skip ':' // get default duration if(*p == 'd') { p++; p++; // skip "d=" num = 0; while(isdigit(*p)) { num = (num * 10) + (*p++ - '0'); } if(num > 0) default_dur = num; p++; // skip comma } // get default octave if(*p == 'o') { p++; p++; // skip "o=" num = *p++ - '0'; if(num >= 3 && num <=7) default_oct = num; p++; // skip comma } // get BPM if(*p == 'b') { p++; p++; // skip "b=" num = 0; while(isdigit(*p)) { num = (num * 10) + (*p++ - '0'); } bpm = num; p++; // skip colon } // BPM usually expresses the number of quarter notes per minute wholenote = (60 * 1000L / bpm) * 4; // this is the time for whole note (in milliseconds) // now begin note loop while(*p) { // first, get note duration, if available num = 0; while(isdigit(*p)) { num = (num * 10) + (*p++ - '0'); } if(num) duration = wholenote / num; else duration = wholenote / default_dur; // we will need to check if we are a dotted note after // now get the note note = 0; switch(*p) { case 'c': note = 1; break; case 'd': note = 3; break; case 'e': note = 5; break; case 'f': note = 6; break; case 'g': note = 8; break; case 'a': note = 10; break; case 'b': note = 12; break; case 'p': default: note = 0; } p++; // now, get optional '#' sharp if(*p == '#') { note++; p++; } // now, get optional '.' dotted note if(*p == '.') { duration += duration/2; p++; } // now, get scale if(isdigit(*p)) { scale = *p - '0'; p++; } else { scale = default_oct; } scale += OCTAVE_OFFSET; if(*p == ',') p++; // skip comma for next note (or we may be at the end) // now play the note if(note) {[(scale - 4) * 12 + note]); delay(duration); tone1.stop(); } else { delay(duration); } } } void checkTaps() { if(analogRead(vibration)<tapLevel) { tapNum++;; delay(200); tone1.stop(); } if(tapNum <= 10) mood = 0; else if(tapNum <= 20) mood = 1; else if(tapNum <= 30) mood = 2; else if(tapNum > 30) mood = 3; currentMillis = millis(); if(currentMillis - previousMillis > decay) { // save the last time you blinked the LED previousMillis = currentMillis; tapNum--; if(tapNum < 0) tapNum = 0; if(tapNum == 30) tapNum = 15; if(tapNum > 40) tapNum = 40; } currentMillis = millis(); if(currentMillis - songMillis > random(30000,60000) && mood == 2) { matrix.clear(); matrix.drawBitmap(0, 0, happyBlinkImg[0], 8, 8, LED_ON); eyeX = 3; eyeY = 3; matrix.fillRect(eyeX, eyeY, 2, 2, LED_OFF); matrix.writeDisplay(); play_rtttl(songs[random(7)]); previousMillis = millis(); checkMillis = millis(); songMillis = millis(); } } void happyNoise() { int note = (int)random(13,39);[note]); delay(200); tone1.stop();[note+1]); delay(100); tone1.stop();[note+2]); delay(100); tone1.stop(); } void sadNoise() { int note = (int)random(2,26);[note]); delay(200); tone1.stop();[note-1]); delay(100); tone1.stop();[note-2]); delay(100); tone1.stop(); } void angryNoise() { int note = (int)random(2,7);[note]); delay(100); tone1.stop();[note-1]); delay(200); tone1.stop(); } void neutralNoise() { int note = (int)random(2,26);[note]); delay(200); tone1.stop(); }
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