It’s beginning to look like Ada-BOX-mas
Everywhere you go
Let all your ideas flow, for projects you want to show
With buttons and LEDs all aglow
Exactly two years ago, Adafruit released ADABOX 006 featuring the Circuit Playground Express and CircuitPython. It was a revolution in how to program electronics, and our first attempt at seeing how ADABOXians would adapt to the transition from Arduino-programmed boxes. And it was a hit! People loved the easy all-in-one Circuit Playground and programming circuits in Python.
Now, two years later, we're going further - with the Circuit Playground Bluefruit with Bluetooth LE support so now we can make our projects wireless! We've also added a colorful 'TFT Gizmo' graphical display, a rechargeable battery and USB charger, as well as a few cases and enclosures to help you craft a beautiful holiday decoration.
Thanks to Digi-Key and Nordic Semiconductor for their support of AdaBox and the development of the Circuit Playground Bluefruit. We could not have created such an awesome box without their help!
Circuit Playground Bluefruit
It looks a lot like the 'Express you know so well: built-in motion, light and temperature sensors, microphone, speaker, 10 NeoPixels, and capacitive-touch pads. But now, the brain of the Playground is the powerful Nordic nRF52840 with Bluetooth Low Energy support.
Circuit Playground Enclosure
Keep your Circuit Playground Bluefruit (CPB for short) safe in this snap-together enclosure.
Lithium Polymer Battery
The CPB can be powered with this battery for portable use, so it's truly wireless.
USB LiPo Charger
The CPB doesn't have built-in charging support. So use this simple charger board to keep your battery topped-up.
TFT Gizmo
Bolt on this 240x240 pixel color IPS TFT LCD display for bright images, GIFs and animations. You can even fit the LiPoly battery in between the two layers formed by the Gizmo and the Circuit Playground Bluefruit when they are screwed together.
Snow Globe + Snowflakes Kit
This large empty container fits the CPB plus battery in its base. Decorate the globe with figurines or art, then fill with water and the sparkly snowflakes. Now you have an electronic snow globe that can react to motion or wireless control.
DIY Ornament
These clear plastic spheres are just large enough to fit a CPB plus the TFT Gizmo to make a cute electronic ornament.
Diffraction Glasses
Holiday lights are even more dazzling with these grated glasses that make points of light sparkle and shimmer.
HackSpace Magazine
Curl up on a cold day with a copy of HackSpace by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Get inspired by cool builds, and creative folks in the making community.
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