For the first sketch, we are going to need the Adafruit_VS1053 library, as well as the SD library. Using the library manager like shown in the previous step, make sure both are installed.
With the VS1053 library installed, we can use the example sketch. Select File->Examples->Adafruit_VS1053->feather_player to load the example code.
All you need to do is upload that sketch to your Feather and the mp3 should start playing. You can open the serial console to check on the status. It should say something like this (you may need to press the reset button on the MusicMaker FeatherWing with the serial console open to see this):
VS1053 found SD OK! TRACK001.MP3 14005206 Playing full track 001
if you have more files on the SD card, those will also appear. Note the 8.3 naming shows up with the size of the file. Our file is there, and is called TRACK001.MP3
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