Angled shot of a black box with blue "ADABOX" texted logo.
Please note! This is NOT the subscription version of AdaBox! This is ONLY AdaBox001 that shipped out to AdaBox subscribers in September of 2016.  This...
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Angled shot of a Adafruit Feather 32u4 Adalogger.
Feather is the new development board from Adafruit, and like its namesake it is thin, light, and lets you fly! We designed Feather to be a new standard for portable microcontroller...
guides with product
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Character LCD with 16x2 characters, with header soldered on
Standard HD44780 LCDs are useful for creating standalone projects.  This product is similar to our Standard LCD 16x2 display...
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Bread-board friendly Piezo Buzzer
Piezo buzzers are used for making beeps, tones and alerts. This one is petite but loud! Drive it with 3-30V peak-to-peak square wave. To use, connect one pin to ground (either one) and...
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Single large LED lit up red
Need some big indicators? We are big fans of these huge diffused red LEDs. They are fairly bright so they can be seen in daytime, and from any angle. They go easily into a breadboard...
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Single large LED lit up green
Need some big indicators? We are big fans of these huge 10mm diffused green LEDs. They are fairly bright so they can be seen in daytime, and from any angle. They go easily into a...
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Angled shot of 10 12mm square tactile switch buttons.
Medium-sized clicky momentary switches are standard input "buttons" on electronic projects. These work best in a PCB but
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Small, black, analog temperature sensor next to US quarter for scale.
Wide range, low power temperature sensor outputs an analog voltage that is proportional to the ambient temperature. To use, connect pin 1 (left) to power (between 2.7 and 5.5V), pin 3...
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Angled shot of full sized breadboard.
This is a 'full-size' premium quality breadboard, 830 tie points. Good for small and medium projects. It's 2.2" x 7" (5.5 cm x 17 cm) with a standard double-strip...
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