Text Editor
Adafruit recommends using the Mu editor for editing your CircuitPython code. You can get more info in this guide.
Alternatively, you can use any text editor that saves simple text files.
Download the Project Bundle
Your project will use a specific set of CircuitPython libraries and the code.py file, along with a folder full of key configuration files. To get everything you need, click on the Download Project Bundle link below, and uncompress the .zip file.
Drag the contents of the uncompressed bundle directory onto your MACROPAD board's CIRCUITPY drive, replacing any existing files or directories with the same names, and adding any new ones that are necessary.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 John Park for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Ableton Live Macropad Launcher # In Ableton, choose "Launchpad Mini Mk3" as controller with MacroPad 2040 as in and out # Use empty fifth scene to allow "unlaunching" of tracks with encoder modifier import board from adafruit_macropad import MacroPad import displayio import terminalio from adafruit_simplemath import constrain from adafruit_display_text import label import usb_midi import adafruit_midi from adafruit_midi.control_change import ControlChange from adafruit_midi.note_off import NoteOff from adafruit_midi.note_on import NoteOn from adafruit_midi.midi_message import MIDIUnknownEvent macropad = MacroPad() TITLE_TEXT = "Live Launcher 2040" print(TITLE_TEXT) TRACK_NAMES = ["DRUM", "BASS", "SYNTH"] # Customize these LIVE_CC_NUMBER = 74 # CC number to send w encoder FADER_TEXT = "cutoff" # change for intended CC name # --- MIDI recieve is complex, so not using macropad.midi midi = adafruit_midi.MIDI( midi_in=usb_midi.ports[0], in_channel=(0, 1, 2), midi_out=usb_midi.ports[1], out_channel=0 ) # ---Official Launchpad colors--- LP_COLORS = ( 0x000000, 0x101010, 0x202020, 0x3f3f3f, 0x3f0f0f, 0x3f0000, 0x200000, 0x100000, 0x3f2e1a, 0x3f0f00, 0x200800, 0x100400, 0x3f2b0b, 0x3f3f00, 0x202000, 0x101000, 0x213f0c, 0x143f00, 0x0a2000, 0x051000, 0x123f12, 0x003f00, 0x002000, 0x001000, 0x123f17, 0x003f06, 0x002003, 0x001001, 0x123f16, 0x003f15, 0x00200b, 0x001006, 0x123f2d, 0x003f25, 0x002012, 0x001009, 0x12303f, 0x00293f, 0x001520, 0x000b10, 0x12213f, 0x00153f, 0x000b20, 0x000610, 0x0b093f, 0x00003f, 0x000020, 0x000010, 0x1a0d3e, 0x0b003f, 0x060020, 0x030010, 0x3f0f3f, 0x3f003f, 0x200020, 0x100010, 0x3f101b, 0x3f0014, 0x20000a, 0x100005, 0x3f0300, 0x250d00, 0x1d1400, 0x080d01, 0x000e00, 0x001206, 0x00051b, 0x00003f, 0x001113, 0x040032, 0x1f1f1f, 0x070707, 0x3f0000, 0x2e3f0b, 0x2b3a01, 0x183f02, 0x032200, 0x003f17, 0x00293f, 0x000a3f, 0x06003f, 0x16003f, 0x2b061e, 0x0a0400, 0x3f0c00, 0x213701, 0x1c3f05, 0x003f00, 0x0e3f09, 0x153f1b, 0x0d3f32, 0x16223f, 0x0c1430, 0x1a1439, 0x34073f, 0x3f0016, 0x3f1100, 0x2d2900, 0x233f00, 0x201601, 0x0e0a00, 0x001203, 0x031308, 0x05050a, 0x050716, 0x190e06, 0x200000, 0x36100a, 0x351204, 0x3f2f09, 0x27370b, 0x192c03, 0x05050b, 0x36341a, 0x1f3a22, 0x26253f, 0x23193f, 0x0f0f0f, 0x1c1c1c, 0x373f3f, 0x270000, 0x0d0000, 0x063300, 0x011000, 0x2d2b00, 0x0f0c00, 0x2c1400, 0x120500, ) LP_PADS = { 81: 0, 82: 1, 83: 2, 71: 3, 72: 4, 73: 5, 61: 6, 62: 7, 63: 8, 51: 9, 52: 10, 53: 11 } LIVE_NOTES = [81, 82, 83, 71, 72, 73, 61, 62, 63, 51, 52, 53] CC_OFFSET = 20 modifier = False # use to add encoder switch modifier to keys for clip mute MODIFIER_NOTES = [41, 42, 43, 41, 42, 43, 41, 42, 43, 41, 42, 43] # blank row in Live last_position = 0 # encoder position state # ---NeoPixel setup--- BRIGHT = 0.125 DIM = 0.0625 macropad.pixels.brightness = BRIGHT # ---Display setup--- display = board.DISPLAY screen = displayio.Group() display.root_group = screen WIDTH = 128 HEIGHT = 64 FONT = terminalio.FONT # Draw a title label title = TITLE_TEXT title_area = label.Label(FONT, text=title, color=0xFFFFFF, x=6, y=3) screen.append(title_area) # --- create display strings and positions x1 = 5 x2 = 35 x3 = 65 y1 = 17 y2 = 27 y3 = 37 y4 = 47 y5 = 57 # ---Push knob text setup push_text_area = label.Label(FONT, text="[o]", color=0xffffff, x=WIDTH-22, y=y2) screen.append(push_text_area) # ---CC knob text setup fader_text_area = label.Label(FONT, text=FADER_TEXT, color=0xffffff, x=WIDTH - 42, y=y4) screen.append(fader_text_area) # --- cc value display cc_val_text = str(CC_OFFSET) cc_val_text_area = label.Label(FONT, text=cc_val_text, color=0xffffff, x=WIDTH - 20, y=y5) screen.append(cc_val_text_area) label_data = ( # text, x, y (TRACK_NAMES[0], x1, y1), (TRACK_NAMES[1], x2, y1), (TRACK_NAMES[2], x3, y1), (".", x1, y2), (".", x2, y2), (".", x3, y2), (".", x1, y3), (".", x2, y3), (".", x3, y3), (".", x1, y4), (".", x2, y4), (".", x3, y4), (".", x1, y5), (".", x2, y5), (".", x3, y5) ) labels = [] for data in label_data: text, x, y = data label_area = label.Label(FONT, text=text, color=0xffffff) group = displayio.Group(x=x, y=y) group.append(label_area) screen.append(group) labels.append(label_area) # these are individually addressed later num = 1 while True: msg_in = midi.receive() if isinstance(msg_in, NoteOn) and msg_in.velocity != 0: print( "received NoteOn", "from channel", msg_in.channel + 1, "MIDI note", msg_in.note, "velocity", msg_in.velocity, "\n" ) # send neopixel lightup code to key, text to display if msg_in.note in LP_PADS: macropad.pixels[LP_PADS[msg_in.note]] = LP_COLORS[msg_in.velocity] macropad.pixels.show() if msg_in.velocity == 21: # active pad is indicated by Live as vel 21 labels[LP_PADS[msg_in.note]+3].text = "o" else: labels[LP_PADS[msg_in.note]+3].text = "." elif isinstance(msg_in, NoteOff): print( "received NoteOff", "from channel", msg_in.channel + 1, "\n" ) elif isinstance(msg_in, NoteOn) and msg_in.velocity == 0: print( "received NoteOff", "from channel", msg_in.channel + 1, "MIDI note", msg_in.note, "velocity", msg_in.velocity, "\n" ) elif isinstance(msg_in, ControlChange): print( "received CC", "from channel", msg_in.channel + 1, "controller", msg_in.control, "value", msg_in.value, "\n" ) elif isinstance(msg_in, MIDIUnknownEvent): # Message are only known if they are imported print("Unknown MIDI event status ", msg_in.status) elif msg_in is not None: midi.send(msg_in) key_event = macropad.keys.events.get() # check for keypad events if not key_event: # Event is None; no keypad event happened, do other stuff position = macropad.encoder # store encoder position state cc_position = int(constrain((position + CC_OFFSET), 0, 127)) # lock to cc range if last_position is None or position != last_position: if position < last_position: midi.send(ControlChange(LIVE_CC_NUMBER, cc_position)) print("CC", cc_position) cc_val_text_area.text = str(cc_position) elif position > last_position: midi.send(ControlChange(LIVE_CC_NUMBER, cc_position)) print("CC", cc_position) cc_val_text_area.text = str(cc_position) last_position = position macropad.encoder_switch_debounced.update() # check the encoder switch w debouncer if macropad.encoder_switch_debounced.pressed: print("Mod") push_text_area.text = "[.]" modifier = True macropad.pixels.brightness = DIM if macropad.encoder_switch_debounced.released: modifier = False push_text_area.text = "[o]" macropad.pixels.brightness = BRIGHT continue num = key_event.key_number if key_event.pressed and not modifier: midi.send(NoteOn(LIVE_NOTES[num], 127)) print("\nsent note", LIVE_NOTES[num], "\n") if key_event.pressed and modifier: midi.send(NoteOn(MODIFIER_NOTES[num], 127)) if key_event.released and not modifier: midi.send(NoteOff(LIVE_NOTES[num], 0)) if key_event.released and modifier: midi.send(NoteOff(MODIFIER_NOTES[num], 0)) macropad.pixels.show()
Use It
The key (pun unavoidable) to all of this is the use of Ableton Live's MIDI control surface setup. Commercial controllers, such as the Novation Launchpad Mini Mk3, communicate bidirectionally with Ableton using MIDI messages for everything from clip launching, to scene navigation, to LED color and animation syncing.
Controller Setup
With the MacroPad plugged into your computer using a USB data cable, launch Ableton Live.
In Ableton, open the preferences by clicking Live > Preferences...
Control Surface
In the Control Surface list, select Launchpad Mini Mk3. This is the scheme used in the code we put on the MacroPad.
NOTE: Be careful not to pick the similarly named "Launchkey" item, this has a different MIDI syncing scheme.
In the Input list, select the MacroPad RP2040 (CircuitPython usb midi.ports[0]) item.
This is the device that Ableton will be listening to for MIDI messages.
In the Output list, select the MacroPad RP2040 (CircuitPython usb midi.ports[0]) item.
This is the device to which Ableton will send MIDI messages to keep things in sync.
Track and Remote
Ableton's Track, Sync, and Remote switches are used to enable different types of MIDI messages between devices and the software. Read more details here.
Turn on both the Track and Remote switches for the Input port, and just the Remote switch for the Output.
Sync is used for MIDI Clock and Timecode, neither of which are needed for this project.
Clip Setup
The MacroPad will launch clips in the first three tracks (columns) and four scenes (rows) of your Ableton session. Load up some samples, loops, MIDI notes, etc. and you'll see the Macropad LEDs match the colors of the clips!
Leave the fifth scene empty, as this is used for "stopping" clips in the MacroPad code by using the encoder switch combined with any key in a column.
You can also use the rotary encoder knob to adjust CC #74 (customizable in code).
You can read lots of great details in the Novation Launchpad Mini Mk3 Programmer's Reference guide. If you'd like to implement other features or customize things to your liking, go for it!
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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