Time to download the software and sounds. Click on the Download Project Zip button in the top left of the code listing below to get the code.py file and two subdirectories: /animals and /electronics.
Open the ZIP file in your computer File Explorer/Finder. Plug in your NeoTrellis and open the CIRCUITPY flash drive that appears when NeoTrellis is plugged in.
Copy code.py to the root/main directory.
Copy each directory of sounds, /animals and /electronics to the root directory so you'll have those two subdirectories. Each of those directories have files named the same, but one set is female voiced (E is for Electronics) and the other one male voiced (Animal ABCs).
Files that have a period in the first character of the filename may be made on Mac computers, no worries.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Anne Barela for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # # Talking A, B, Cs Soundboards: Animal ABCs and "E is for Electronics" ABCs import time import board import audioio import audiocore import adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled as fancy import adafruit_trellism4 # Custom colors for keys RED = 0xFF0000 MAROON = 0xFF0044 ORANGE = 0xFF6600 YELLOW = 0xFFFF00 BROWN = 0x8B4513 GREEN = 0x008000 AQUA = 0x33ff33 TEAL = 0x66ffff BLUE = 0x0000FF NAVY = 0x24248f PURPLE = 0x660066 PINK = 0xFF66B3 WHITE = 0xFFFFFF EXTRA = 0x888888 # Select the folder for the ABC files, only define one, # the other line should have a # to comment it out #SAMPLE_FOLDER = "/animals/" SAMPLE_FOLDER = "/electronics/" # This soundboard can select up to *32* sound clips! each one has a filename # which will be inside the SAMPLE_FOLDER above, and a *color* in a tuple () SAMPLES = [("A.wav", RED), ("B.wav", MAROON), ("C.wav", ORANGE), ("D.wav", YELLOW), ("E.wav", BROWN), ("F.wav", GREEN), ("G.wav", AQUA), ("H.wav", TEAL), ("I.wav", BLUE), ("J.wav", NAVY), ("K.wav", PURPLE), ("L.wav", PINK), ("M.wav", RED), ("N.wav", MAROON), ("O.wav", ORANGE), ("P.wav", YELLOW), ("Q.wav", BROWN), ("R.wav", GREEN), ("S.wav", AQUA), ("T.wav", TEAL), ("U.wav", BLUE), ("V.wav", NAVY), ("W.wav", PURPLE), ("X.wav", PINK), ("Y.wav", RED), ("Z.wav", MAROON), ("01.wav", EXTRA), # Keys beyond the 26 alphabetic keys ("02.wav", EXTRA), ("03.wav", EXTRA), ("04.wav", EXTRA), ("05.wav", EXTRA), ("06.wav", EXTRA)] # For the intro, pick any number of colors to make a fancy gradient! INTRO_SWIRL = [RED, GREEN, BLUE] # The color for the pressed key SELECTED_COLOR = 0x333300 PLAY_SAMPLES_ON_START = False # Will not play all the sounds on start # Our keypad + NeoPixel driver trellis = adafruit_trellism4.TrellisM4Express(rotation=0) # Play the welcome wav (if its there) with audioio.AudioOut(board.A1, right_channel=board.A0) as audio: try: f = open(SAMPLE_FOLDER+SAMPLES[27][0], "rb") # Use 02.wav as welcome wave = audiocore.WaveFile(f) audio.play(wave) swirl = 0 # we'll swirl through the colors in the gradient while audio.playing: for i in range(32): palette_index = ((swirl+i) % 32) / 32 color = fancy.palette_lookup(INTRO_SWIRL, palette_index) # display it! trellis.pixels[(i%8, i//8)] = color.pack() swirl += 1 time.sleep(0.005) f.close() # just hold a moment time.sleep(0.5) except OSError: # no biggie, they could have deleted it pass # Parse the first file to figure out what format it's in channel_count = None bits_per_sample = None sample_rate = None with open(SAMPLE_FOLDER+SAMPLES[0][0], "rb") as f: wav = audiocore.WaveFile(f) print("%d channels, %d bits per sample, %d Hz sample rate " % (wav.channel_count, wav.bits_per_sample, wav.sample_rate)) # Audio playback object - we'll go with either mono or stereo depending on # what we see in the first file if wav.channel_count == 1: audio = audioio.AudioOut(board.A1) elif wav.channel_count == 2: audio = audioio.AudioOut(board.A1, right_channel=board.A0) else: raise RuntimeError("Must be mono or stereo waves!") # Turn on, maybe play all of the buttons for i, v in enumerate(SAMPLES): filename = SAMPLE_FOLDER+v[0] try: with open(filename, "rb") as f: wav = audiocore.WaveFile(f) print(filename, "%d channels, %d bits per sample, %d Hz sample rate " % (wav.channel_count, wav.bits_per_sample, wav.sample_rate)) if wav.channel_count != channel_count: pass if wav.bits_per_sample != bits_per_sample: pass if wav.sample_rate != sample_rate: pass trellis.pixels[(i%8, i//8)] = v[1] if PLAY_SAMPLES_ON_START: audio.play(wav) while audio.playing: pass except OSError: # File not found! skip to next pass def stop_playing_sample(playback_details): print("playing: ", playback_details) audio.stop() trellis.pixels[playback_details['neopixel_location']] = playback_details['neopixel_color'] playback_details['file'].close() playback_details['voice'] = None current_press = set() currently_playing = {'voice' : None} last_samplenum = None while True: pressed = set(trellis.pressed_keys) # if pressed: # print("Pressed:", pressed) just_pressed = pressed - current_press just_released = current_press - pressed # if just_pressed: # print("Just pressed", just_pressed) for down in just_pressed: sample_num = down[1]*8 + down[0] print(sample_num) try: filename = SAMPLE_FOLDER+SAMPLES[sample_num][0] f = open(filename, "rb") wav = audiocore.WaveFile(f) # is something else playing? interrupt it! if currently_playing['voice'] != None: print("Interrupt") stop_playing_sample(currently_playing) trellis.pixels[down] = SELECTED_COLOR audio.play(wav) # voice, neopixel tuple, color, and sample, file handle currently_playing = { 'voice': 0, 'neopixel_location': down, 'neopixel_color': SAMPLES[sample_num][1], 'sample_num': sample_num, 'file': f} except OSError: pass # File not found! skip to next # check if any samples are done if not audio.playing and currently_playing['voice'] != None: stop_playing_sample(currently_playing) time.sleep(0.01) # a little delay here helps avoid debounce annoyances current_press = pressed
If you would like to use the "E is for Electronics" soundboard first with no customization, you can skip to the Use page.
The Code and Customization
The code first imports five libraries for use:
import time import board import audioio import audiocore import adafruit_fancyled.adafruit_fancyled as fancy import adafruit_trellism4
Next is a list of numeric values for the colors displayed on the board. If you think the individual colors need tweaking, you can do it here. If you want the color keys in a different order, you'll change the dictionary SAMPLES
below the color values. SAMPLES
contains 32 tuples (groups) which each contain a file name and a color for each button. So Button 1 will play the sound file A.wav and display on the NeoTrellis in color RED
Changing Soundboards
Next is where you would change between from the Animal soundboard and the "E is for Electronics" soundboard. The code:
# Select the folder for the ABC files, only define one, # the other line should have a # to comment it out #SAMPLE_FOLDER = "/animals/" SAMPLE_FOLDER = "/electronics/"
When you load the code above, the soundboard will work as the "E is for Electronics" soundboard and get the phrases in subdirectory /electronics.
To change the NeoTrellis to the Animal ABCs soundboard, use Mu or a text editor to make the following changes to that section of the code:
# Select the folder for the ABC files, only define one, # the other line should have a # to comment it out SAMPLE_FOLDER = "/animals/" # SAMPLE_FOLDER = "/electronics/"
This change pulls the sound files for the Animals ABC phrase set.
Each directory contains the same file names but they are different phrases. A.wav to Z.wav play the alphabet phrases. The last 6 keys play different phrases. The code will also play phrase 28 on startup.
If a key is pressed, it will play the corresponding sound file as defined in the SAMPLES
dictionary. Press a key before the phrase finishes and the phrase will stop and play the new phrase so keys can interrupt other keys.
Page last edited January 21, 2025
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