Why not trick out your fresh new board with some accessories? The Pi 2 is a big deal - a big, big deal. It has an upgraded ARMv7 multicore procssor and a full Gigabyte of...
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PIR sensors are used to detect motion from pets/humanoids from about 20 feet away (possibly works on zombies, not guaranteed). This one has an adjustable delay before firing (approx...
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This sensor is essentially a reed switch, encased in an ABS plastic shell. Normally the reed is 'open' (no connection between the two wires). The other half is a magnet. When...
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Handy for making wire harnesses or jumpering between headers on PCB's. These premium jumper wires are 12" (300mm) long and come in a 'strip' of 40 (4 pieces of each of...
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OK you've signed up for Adafruit.io and you're ready to build something cool and Internet-connected. All you need is this starter kit which...
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OK you've signed up for Adafruit.io and you're ready to build something cool and Internet-connected. All you need is this starter kit which...
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