The LANA TNY board is Phyx's take on an Adafruit QT Py and Seeed studio XIAO bite-sized development boards but with added SMD pins for optional extra IO capabilities and a built-in WS2811 compatible LED output. The LANA TNY is a small development board based around the WCH CH32V203 RISC-V microcontroller.

The CH32V203G6 has a single 32-bit RISC-V core, running up to 144MHz, with 1-cycle multiply, and hardware divide. Inside is 10KB SRAM, 32KB single-cycle Flash as well as an additional 'external XIP' 224KB of Flash that can be used for program or data storage but it is not as fast as the 32KB. There are also extras you expect: ADC, timers, USB device, UART, I2C and SPI.

- Same size, form-factor, and pin-out as Seeed Xiao Plus
- USB Type C connector - If you have only Micro B cables, this adapter will come in handy!
- CH32V203G8 RISC-V microcontroller core with 3.3V power/logic. Internal 144 MHz oscillator.
- Native USB Device
Built in RGB NeoPixel LED with dedicated output pin
- Standard pin and 1.27mm pitch castellated pin
20x GPIO
- 11x standard pins
- 9 ADCs
- Hardware UART
- Hardware SPI
- Built-in I²C Pull-ups (If removed, I²C is 5V tolerant!)
9x 1.27 mm pitch castellations pins
- 7 of these are 5V tolerant
- Reset pin
- LED Data output
- Extra hardware UART
- I2C port with STEMMA QT plug-n-play connector
- 11x standard pins
- 3.3V regulator with 250mA peak output
- Bootloader switch for starting your project code over or entering USB ROM bootloader mode
- SWD data/clock pads and extra GND pads available for advanced debugging usage
- Really really small

Page last edited January 20, 2025
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