Remember: there are two ways to flash firmware to this board. Each requires a different driver installation process:
Flash Firmware over USB-C Port
Keep the BOOT switch pressed while inserting the USB-C cable.
Now select the wchisp
tool in Embeetle IDE:
Click the Flash button at the top. It could be that flashing fails:
Failed to open USB device: Bus 001 Device 008: ID 4348:55e0 Error: Failed to open USB device on Windows
On Linux you would get something like this:
Failed to open USB device: Bus 003 Device 010: ID 4348:55e0 Error: Failed to open USB device on Linux due to no enough permission
Let's consider the solutions:
You must install Zadig and replace the driver for the USB device with the WinUSB driver. First, download Zadig:
Then, open Zadig and select Options -> List All Devices:
Select USB Module from the list of devices and choose WinUSB as the driver. Then click Replace Driver:
Maybe you didn't find USB Module in the list of devices? In that case, you might find Unknown Device #1 instead. Take that one and choose WinUSB as the driver. Then click Replace Driver:
Wait for the driver installation to complete:
The wchisp
tool needs sudo rights to access USB drivers, unless you add the device to the plugdev group. First you need to add the current user:
Check the groups related to the current user:
If plugdev
would not be listed, add the current user to that group:
Figure out your device's Vendor ID and Product ID through the $ lsusb
As you can see, the ID for my device consists of two 4-digit hex numbers: ID 4348:55e0
. The first one is the Vendor ID, the second one the Product ID. Do not confuse them!
In the console, navigate to /etc/udev/rules.d
and list the contents of the directory:
Now create a new file, for example with the gedit editor:
You can name this file whatever you want, so long as it ends in .rules
. Rules files by convention begin with a number. Linux parses rules files in lexical order, and the number makes it easy to see which files will be parsed first. Choosing a low number (like 10, as above) means that your file will be parsed before system rules files.
Now you need to add a line in the file that represents your device. If the file already existed (from a previous device you added this way), you can leave all the content as-is and just add a line at the bottom. The line you need to add is:
ATTRS{idVendor}=="4348", ATTRS{idProduct}=="55e0", MODE="666", GROUP="plugdev"
Of course, fill in your own Vendor ID and Product ID! (although the ones above should be correct for the LANA-TNY board)
Save the file and close it. Now you need to tell Linux to reload the udev rules:
Any member of the plugdev group should now be able to run wchisp
without using sudo.
Try again in Embeetle IDE. Don't forget to keep the boot switch pressed while plugging in the USB-C cable!
Page last edited January 21, 2025
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