Our enclosure will be a 3D printed Mario box from thingiverse: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:37155 . This box is the perfect size for the project as-is, and contains a printable lid to go with it.
It is a remix of this thing. The original is smaller, but the author provides a tool to customize the box to whatever 8-bit design you can think of if you want to customize your project enclosure!
Step 1: Print a box and a lid!
Step 1: Print a box and a lid!
Using the "standard medium" settings in MakerWare, the box takes about 6.5 hours to print, and the lid will take about 1.5 hours.
Step 2: Assemble the parts
The vellum paper is just used to diffuse the RGB LED in the box, so any translucent white paper should give good results. The aluminum foil will be used to help improve the lighting from the RGB LED.
You will need to cut the vellum paper into 4 3.5"x3.5" squares.
You will need to cut the vellum paper into 4 3.5"x3.5" squares.
Step 3: Modify the housing
Using a pair or wire cutters, clip out all of the thin-walled grid to make a fully open question mark.
Drill a hole in the center of the lid; this is where we will install the On/Off switch. The On/Off switch here is 16 mm, so a 5/8" spade to drill through.
Step 4: Install housing accessories
Cut the vellum paper into squares, and tape them to the insides of the box.
Install the button through the hole.
Make a cut-out of aluminum foil to go around the top of the lid, and tape it in place. This is to reflect some the the LEDs light back, and provide better illumination for the box.
Step 5: Check it out!
Put the box and lid together, and check out your awesome work!
Page last edited January 21, 2014
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