Assemble 14-Segment LED
The Quad Alphanumeric Display comes with a backpack that you will need to solder together. Follow the guide to complete this assembly.Clip Pins
The access pins can cause the circuit to be too large to fit into the enclosure so you'll need to trim these. Use flush diagonal cutters to clip off the pins from the back.Wire Connections
Measure and cut 4 strands of wire wrap to about 20mm in length. Solder these wires to SCL, SDA, GND, VCC and Vi2c pins on the 14-segment LED Backpack.Slide Switch
Build an on and off switch by measuring a JST Extension cable and splicing the positive wire between the slide switch. We'll need it to be as small as possible, so cut off the pin and solder the wires to the small nub that's left over.Heat Shrink
Use heat shrink tubing to secure the spliced ground wire connections. These little slide switch come in handy in many projects, so it's a great idea to make extra!Solder JST connetor to Trinket
You'll need to solder on a female JST connector to the back of Trinket . This will connect to the male JST connector of the slide switch.Wire Trinket
Use a panovise jr. or third-helping hand to secure the backpack in place. Lay the trinket over the backpack and thread the wires through the corresponding pins.Solder Connections
Ensure the wires are long enough so that the Trinket has enough room to plug a USB cable in for reprogramming.Solder wires as listed below:
#0 to SDA
#2 to SCL
VCC to VBat
Vi2c to 5v / 3v
Install into Enclosure
Plug in the slide switch circuit, align and carefully slide the completed circuit into knuckleBox.stl. Once the 7-segment display fits through the opening, grip the edges the pull the rest the the circuit.Right-side Up
The rings should have a comfortable fit, not too tight or loose. Ensure the parts are positioned with the 7-segment display facing the correct orientation.Chain Customizer App
Included is a chain that prints fully assembled in place. The knuckle-lidHoop.stl part was created by the chain generator customizer app available on thingiverse.Text editor powered by tinymce.