Angled shot of assembled cardboard cube with red button on top.
This kit has been updated, improved and simplified so it's even less expensive! Check out the AIY Voice Kit version 2 over...
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Angled shot of assembled cardboard cube with red button on top.
Need directions to your nearest dry cleaner? Or maybe you need to send a hands-free email? Perhaps you just want to know what the weather's like in Timbuktu. Ask your new little...
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Glamor shot of Ultimaker 2+ 3D Printer
The Ultimaker 2+ is one of our favorite 3D printers on the market. It's a well-built open-source compact machine with an excellent UX. Every inch of the...
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Video of 24mm mini translucent clear LED arcade button flashing on and off.
A button is a button, and a switch is a switch, but these translucent arcade buttons are in a class of their own. Particularly because they have LEDs built right in!...
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